Fleshy growth on left side of chicken above wing area


In the Brooder
Sep 20, 2023
My 4 year old Sussex has this weird fleshy growth, I think it’s on the side of her neck or just above her wing area. I noticed it last month but she ran away from me (she’s never taken a liking to humans) and it seemed to disappear so I just thought it was perhaps a bit of meat that fell on her as she dived under the food bucket. It looks like a ball with that sausage meat casing stuff, it’s red and yellow-y, with what looks like a black scab on the bottom of it. I tried to get as close a look as I could without scaring her off. It seems to have gone down in size since I last saw it but I’m still really concerned for her. I’ll try to get a better look when they go into the coop tonight, has anyone dealt with this before? I’ll be making a vet appointment asap.

She’s not lethargic, doesn’t seem to be guarding that side of her, and is otherwise a happy (albeit angry) chicken.


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We need to see a picture of what you are seeing, with the feathers pulled away. On the roost at night, may be a good time to look at it and get a picture if someone holds her. Or you could place her in a dog crate to examine it in the morning. It could be anything from an injury or abscess, a feather cyst, or possibly a skin cancer. Pictures are helpful.
We need to see a picture of what you are seeing, with the feathers pulled away. On the roost at night, may be a good time to look at it and get a picture if someone holds her. Or you could place her in a dog crate to examine it in the morning. It could be anything from an injury or abscess, a feather cyst, or possibly a skin cancer. Pictures are helpful.
I’ll take photos tonight thank you, it kind of looks like there’s a feather in it? I’ll take photos and update the post tonight
Feather cysts can become ingrown and may cause an abscess or feather cyst. Cleaning it, and exploring it with a needle or pin, or tweezers might be good to look for a feather inside.
Thank you so much, I think I did see a feather inside the growth, I also think it’s shrunk in size since I last saw it, I’ll be out with the gloves and sterilised needles tonight, thank you so much for your advice 💜
We need to see a picture of what you are seeing, with the feathers pulled away. On the roost at night, may be a good time to look at it and get a picture if someone holds her. Or you could place her in a dog crate to examine it in the morning. It could be anything from an injury or abscess, a feather cyst, or possibly a skin cancer. Pictures are helpful.
I’ve uploaded some photos to my post, any insights are greatly appreciated 💜💜

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