vet advice

  1. NelsonNedLover

    Sticky/Clear Mucus(?) Desperate

    Hi all, I have a 5-year-old Bantam rooster who has been sick for about a month now. He had been doing this gagging/regurgitating motion and acting lethargic. He was treated by a vet for a bacterial crop infection and given antibiotics. After a week, he was cured of this infection. Although he...
  2. BitterSweetCitrus

    URGENT: Torn Skin and a Need for Advice

    About six days ago my girl was mauled and I have been tending to her wounds, one of her injuries was the first layer of skin being ripped off her. What I didn’t notice was she has a very deep flap hiding the second layer of skin that is detached from the second. It looks quite nasty. Our vet is...
  3. rasberrysoda

    Fleshy growth on left side of chicken above wing area

    My 4 year old Sussex has this weird fleshy growth, I think it’s on the side of her neck or just above her wing area. I noticed it last month but she ran away from me (she’s never taken a liking to humans) and it seemed to disappear so I just thought it was perhaps a bit of meat that fell on her...
  4. Emma89

    Help duck has a cut on her eye!

    Does anyone know if there is anything I can put on her eye to help it from getting infected? I came home from work and my drake must have had some aggressive sexy time and she ended up with several feathers pulled from her neck and a cut above her eye. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I...
  5. Goose_Willis

    Cactus needles in goose feet

    My gosling was favoring one foot so I flipped him over and pulled a few cactus needles out of both of his feet but I noticed this lump on the foot he's favorong as well as some smaller lumps on the webbing of the foot. They're obviously bothering him, he kicks when I start to touch them so I'm...
  6. R

    Please help my chickens wing got wrapped around in a wire and I just found her, her wing is extremely swollen what do I do?

    It's still warm, I've been massaging it to give back circulation. I've got the wire out unfortunately I'm not able to post any videos or pictures. The nearest vet that could help me is an hour away and I can't make the trip. She's acting fine and has some mobility in the wing, as she pulled it...
  7. R

    Please help my chickens wing got wrapped around in a wire and I just found her, her wing is extremely swollen what do I do?

    It's still warm, I've been massaging it to give back circulation. I've got the wire out unfortunately I'm not able to post any videos or pictures. The nearest vet that could help me is an hour away and I can't make the trip. She's acting fine and has some mobility in the wing, as she pulled it...
  8. R

    Vet wants me to reduce protein below 14% for angel wing

    I took my Ancona duck to an avian vet for angel wing. To my surprise, instead of wrapping the wing, he suggested cutting protein by some unspecified amount, and told me to get another appointment if it gets worse. I told him I am already using a 14% protein, feed(Mazuri waterfowl maintenance)...
  9. G

    Can anyone help with my duck?

    For the past couple of days we’ve noticed that our female duck, BeeBee has got a low belly but there has been no change in her behaviour, she’s still running and swimming and drinking like normal, she still comes running when she sees us come out into the garden, I have read up on Ascites and...
  10. E

    Pekin Ducks Suffered Neglect - Looking to help them heal

    I picked up some mature ducks from a large established farm the other day and when I brought them home (they put them right into the carrier for me) found that they have some significant skin issues. I was pretty surprised by the state of them to be honest. They were caked in mud and are missing...
  11. C

    Our baby chick has a brownish-black toe

    Would like some advice. We just got six 2-3 week old baby chicks, the day after we got them, we noticed one has a brownish-black toe nail and part way up it's toe. It's not swollen, the chick is acting completely normal! Eating, drinking and running around. I don't know that much about chicken...
  12. baileybiddi

    Does this look like bumble foot?

    Hello! I noticed these dark spots on my Swedish flower hen’s toes. They are symmetrical on both feet. I brought her inside and soaked her feet in an epsom salt bath to get a better look. I’m wondering if this is a case of bumble foot or could they just be callouses? I also noticed that my other...
  13. Pamuk

    Duck laying issues! Vet is no help!

    Hello all! My duck is 7 months old and started laying on july 20. She was egg bound with her first egg and after that was laying normally. After her tenth egg, she started experiencing some worrying symptoms such as shaking, excessive panting, wings twitching (a bit spread out as well), raspy...
  14. E

    Treating perosis/slipped tendon in chicks - vet visits

    Hey guys, I just wanted to do some knowledge sharing. I just lost my first chick today, she died during a vet performed surgery from heart failure. Some chicks with perosis also have heart problems and there was also the additional risk with her being only 4 weeks old. She was a runt, about...
  15. G

    Help needed: gander seems sick, with severe gaping

    The gander was eating normally until yesterday (Aug. 4). Yesterday, he ate much less than normal (sudden loss of appetite) and had severe head-and-neck-forward gaping multiple times. Today (Aug. 5), he hasn't eaten much, either, and still has gaping. I gave him water mixed with Sav-a-Chick...
  16. S

    Help! What is happening with my ducks?

    For context: I have a flock of 18 Pekin ducks. It’s been over 100 degrees F or around that for the last week or so. I have a large open pond in my backyard that is connected to other ponds in my area, including my neighbors pond. The neighbors teen hates me and I would not put it past her to try...
  17. J

    Bone or Something else? Please help

    Hey, first time posting here myself. My jumbo pekin got bad bumblefoot and the vet prescribed antiobiotics that she’s been on but it continued getting worse. I’ve lanced it a few times to remove large amounts of pus, but the vet said eventually her bone looked moth eaten and like a firework had...
  18. M

    Help! Injured chicken with Burns and patchy feathers!

    A little information, My uncle found a chicken and he knows that I have a few of my own so he asked if I wanted to take on a rescue chicken and of course I had to accept. from what he told me the chicken was in a wrecked car and was stuck onto the vehicle. The vehicle was going to be towed to a...
  19. Goosey Girl

    Online Veterinarian advice

    Has anyone ever used an online poultry veterinarian for their geese or ducks? How was your experience with them, cost, and were you able to get a prescription from them for an antibiotic? I have a goose with a few bumblefoot lumps because he is a dunderhead and was trying to fight with some...
  20. LinLinDove

    Anesthetic/wound-closing necessary? (Fox attack)

    tldr; Week-old fox puncture wounds, antibiotics+no symptoms of infection, behavior and energy all good. Can I avoid stitches/anesthesia risks? Note: Will include pictures tomorrow. They all look like they've clotted up and have minor yellow discoloration in the surrounding skin. Hi all, I...
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