Fellow Horse People! Let's see your pics!


Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Jan 21, 2007
Thousand Oaks, California
I know there are other horse people out there. Let's see pics of the herd!

This is my husband and I (like how I look so at home and he looks scared out of his mind?
)... I'm on Bo, my 11 yo QH gelding. Ken is on a friend's horse, Petey.

Here is Star, my 4 yo breeding stock Paint. She has one brown eye and one blue.

This is Handsome, my first heel horse. He's a year and I'm about five in this picture. I roped on him until he was almost 20. We did High School Rodeo together and have a lot of great memories. I put him down right before I picked up Star.


I have a ton more pictures but that's all I have on this computer.... Let's see everyone else's horses!!
Im gunna have to take some pics of my horses now. My sister owns 2 Tennesses Walkers, I have a 2 year old QH named twinkles as well as a 16 month old QH Fritzy. My mom loves the ponies she has to many haha just kidding Fricky is the oldest 23 Shetland pony, Dolly Shetland, Dixie Shetland, Rhythem and Pickles are Welsh o yea my sister has a stud colt named Little Man hes really cute il try and get some pics up asap. O yea and Annie my moms QH shes pregnant due end of this month.
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Left to Right Dixie,Dolly,Twinkles,Annie,Rhythem




Seems like horses & chickens go together! I got my first horse after my Dad passed away, and I've had them ever since. I can never be without one now! I've had several- my favorite was Sunny, an Arab I got when he was 2. I don't have any pix of him on the computer, but he was the best.
Here's what I have now. Star is a haflinger, and Misty is her daughter; a half- Arabian. I took this just last week!

I'll have to get more...
You guys would be the folks to ask...
Recently I was asking my sister-in-law why she no longer keeps chickens, and she said that her riding coach had told her that chickens transmit some disease to horses (but she didn't know what disease). I've been around horses and chickens my whole life, and have never heard of such a thing! In fact, a lot of old farmers like keeping birds around horses because their unpredictable flapping and movements help horses learn to be mellow. I've had chickens nesting in hay racks, and riding on horses' butts, and have never heard of them passing diseases back and forth. Does anyone know what she is talking about?
Never heard of it. I, too, have had chickens and horses living together (I had one hen that loved to sit on my gelding, Handsome's, back).
Chickens do a great job of keeping the flies down. I wonder if they could be talking about worms?
Here is a pic of my andalusian filly, Dita. This is last spring/summer? She is turning 2y this April and has filled out more then this pic shows...going to have to get more pics. She loves to try and chew on the coop....had to place a hot wire to keep her off!

Here are my three horses. The first is chloe my 10 year old paint, great trail buddy. The second is sweetie, my coming trhee year old. She has filled out a lot more since last summer. The third and fourth are my 10month old fqh colt.


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