Excited! Maybe a little too much.


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9 Years
May 9, 2010
Egglanta, GA
Yay! New chickens coming!!
! I'll be getting 2 little pullet chicks, a GLW and a BO in December! They'll live in a new coop that I just set up for them, with run (that has a lid on it
). I'm so excited! They'll be vaccinated for Marek's and I think I'll try to find a cocci vac... if there is one? The coop and run are very predator proof, and they'll also be free ranging most of the day. Luckily, my yard is very large so hopefully the other chickens won't bother them too much
. There names Will Lacey and Bella. Guess which one's Lacey?
Well that's pretty much it just wanted to share my excitement!
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Congrats on your upcomming chickens! They are such fun!

Don't mean to rain on your parade but high wire & no roof might keep the girls in, but won't keep predators out.
Yeah I know. I have no predators here at daylight when they're out so I only have to worry about hawks. But the run's only like 5 x 4 and they have shelter like right there. But I know a hawk could still get them, but eh, better a short and happy life then a long and boring one, right?
Yeah I know. I have no predators here at daylight when they're out so I only have to worry about hawks. But the run's only like 5 x 4 and they have shelter like right there. But I know a hawk could still get them, but eh, better a short and happy life then a long and boring one, right?

I think I'd rather be bored. That's just me.
Yeah I know. I have no predators here at daylight when they're out so I only have to worry about hawks. But the run's only like 5 x 4 and they have shelter like right there. But I know a hawk could still get them, but eh, better a short and happy life then a long and boring one, right?

I think I'd rather be bored. That's just me.


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