Euthanasia with Dry Ice

Thank you all who responded. Thank you @electrycmonk for the Ether post. I have to agree that it seemed very fast and peaceful. I took Merriwhether off her perch at night. She was calm when I put her in the container. My husband dealt with the rest, but she never struggled or anything. She always had the sweetest voice...I loved hearing her talk more than any other hen in my flock...and she talked to me a little as I carried her from her perch. I will miss her sweet songs. I am so thankful for everyone who gave positive and supportive advice..I don't know that I am cut out for chicken keeping after this though....
Relax. Breath. I'm not telling you to do anything other then those 2 things.

I will suggest you wait to make your final decision. Knee-jerk reactions can have unanticipated outcomes. So just do those two things and time will tell as you & you hubby talk, think, meditate/pray/what-have-you. Caring for another life, be it dog, cat, fish, or fowl comes with it responsibilities. One of them is the end of life decisions, quality of life issues.

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