Emu breeding season in the US?


Mar 23, 2014
Anyone breeding Emus in the US, especially southeast?
We figure our first emus are hitting maturity now that they are coming up on 2yrs old. I had evidence this morning, as one just tried to have his way with me while I was working on a project on the ground.
We expected spring breeding, not winter. Are these guys just horn dogs, or are we going to be dealing with eggs in winter?

Thanks for the advice!
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Yes! We bought it, but we're in the midst of a remodel right now and that one is packed away in a box at the moment. :(
the breeding season has begun it comes fall my friend in west Virginia her emus have begun laying already. and the breeding season usually lasts till like....ehh....it varies sometimes from early winter and then late winter to early spring typically it ends in winter the actually BREEDING then they lay there eggs and sit on them (males only) but kee taking the eggs and she will kee laying. second year you MAY not even get eggs or you might its 50 50 typically you will but only like 20 ish now when they get OLDER you may get 40 eggs a year. they will also try to hide there eggs to so be on the look out for that! but all in all you SHOULD be getting eggs soon. check corners ect but they may just lay them anywhere OR in there shed ect.
For some reason I can't upload pics but they gather leaves and sticks to hide the egg.
Hey I’m new to this too and would be interested in your info if you have been doing this a while. I have 3 emus. Supposedly 2 females and 1 male. Not sure. It seems they pair off a while and then switch. One thing for sure is the bigger of thr 3 attacks me most every time I go in fence. I’m aware they get aggressive but wow! Also how can I get them in the shelter at night? It was 18 the other night and they won’t go inside at night. They do in day to eat. Any ideas

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