Duck's eyes crusty


Jan 14, 2019
Cheyenne, Wy
My wife noticed this morning that our runner duck's eyes are all crusted over and her beak looks like it is flaking. We have her separated from the rest of the flock. Any ideas, we are new to ducks.
I am so sorry about your duck! This has likely occurred from gang mating where more than one drake attempts to breed her at the same time. The drakes saliva enters the hens eye and causes severe conjunctivitis. I would definitely use a warm, soft rag and attempt to remove the crust while causing as little pain to her as possible. I can’t even tell if one of her eyes is even still there, the poor, poor baby! Once the crust is removed, gently apply/rub Neosporin around her eye. Please feel free to ask more questions! I’ll do everything I can to help. :hugs

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