Double yolker - RIP little ones... Photos added of the egg opened

This is fascinating! I think I saw two separate "bundles" in that one egg.

Is there any changes in her feed that may be making her do this? That's gotta hurt developing and laying those eggs!
No changes to the diet - they get pellets morning and night- free range during the day. I turn over a shovel full of soil in the " worm farm area" most days and they have an offering of fruit and vegies when I get home from work. I doubt it was weather related but as a coincidence we had two cold wet rainy periods just after a very hot day when the two eggs have been laid- but we also had one two weeks back and no double yolker then. I have just let them out for the morning- and all regular sized eggs again. I will try again today for another photo- but being that they are further along- its hard to see anything other than just clear and dark areas. I might have to take a set of photos- showing different areas rather than trying to take just one.
Oh WOW!! How luck are you to get them this far!! I really hope they get to hatch for you. What are you going to do with the second one that just got laid? If you arent going to set it, maybe you could blow it out and decorate it or something.
For now the second egg is just sitting on the bench. I should have done something with it straight away- not just leave it on the bench like I did the first one.

Blowing it out and decorating it sounds like a good idea- But I could also open it up like a normal duck egg looks when its just had a baby hatch from it- and use it as a photo prop.
So I finally got around to working out dates last night. The egg I already knew was laid on the 12th of October - The candling photo in the first post was taken on the 31st of October and shows developement of 4 days 5 days at most development. Meaning the due date is around the 25th November . I cant believe that only 10 days away!! but also amazing was the fact that it sat on the bench a full 15 Yep...fifteen days !!! Before it was put into the incubator.

I had a quick candle last night - but by the time I finished watching - I didnt want to leave the bator open any longer for photos. I called my daughter to come and watch as well- as I could see the beak of one and something else from the other baby- I couldnt quite work out what. But it sure did look like the first one was nudging the other with its beak...pushing or playing around in there I dont know- But it sure looked cute!!!
oh WOW!!! So your gonna have twins after all
I plan to go buy a small video camera next weekend if they are still alive in there then..I could use my normal camera as it has video function or my phone...But I want to make sure I have some good footage of it if they do start to hatch.

Its starting to get hard to really see anything in there now. I used a different torch hoping to see more- but not much comes out in the photos. I did see two beaks tonight. The air sac is a little on the large side for what I would like- but everything else still looks good for the two of them.




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