Double yolker - RIP little ones... Photos added of the egg opened

They made it so far! Little guys didn't have enough fight I guess. That's such a bummer. I'm sorry
Don't let it keep you from trying again though
Awww. I didnt find this thread until just now.

What am amazing story.

Can I ask a silly question? These would have been fraternal twins right? Two yolks so not identical?
Just trying to get the science down.
Thats right CamoletFarms - not identical. They did have an almost exact colour pattern to their down - and had the same parents though. And I think at least - the same sex going by the colouring.

I did recently hear of twin chickens from a single yolked egg - but they too died before hatching under a broody hen. The owner was very surprised to open the normal sized egg and find two almost completely developed chicks. The photo I saw has me staining to try to make out the yolk sac- but it sure looked like only one.

Had they survived I was going to have a DNA test done just for curiosity. I guess I still could have - but I really didnt want to go prodding and poking them too much after opening the egg.

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