Does anyone actually have a friendly pet rooster?

I agree, they are either friendly or unfriendly from chicks. This poor little guy is too friendly, I can't just leave him to fend for himself. It would be cruel.
What I suggest is keeping the bird at arm's length for two years, and then gradually letting them in your 'circle' of personal space. By then their hormones have calmed down and they're better pet candidates. Each bird varies, but I highly discourage starting out with a random cockerel with the intention of taming him.
TWO YEARS...oh he'll be in the stew pot WAY Before then if he can't get it together.
I've been reading a lot about roosters who become human aggressive lately and it seems a common cause is that they were handled so much as chicks that they lost their natural caution around humans and/or started to see humans as on their level and therefore in need of being dominated/defeated. :th

The advice is usually to keep young roosters at a distance so that they learn their place before heir hormones kick in. But does that mean it is impossible to keep a mature rooster as a 'pet' chicken? Does anyone have a rooster who has actually remained friendly after maturity, as in likes to be held/petted, sits on their owner''s lap, even kept as a house chicken etc?

Are mature roosters ALWAYS either mean or aloof??:idunno
I had a rooster who remained friendly for as long as I had him. He was not coddled as a cockerel nor was he ignored or bullied by people. I just treated him like my other chickens. He knew I would defer to him when it came to his hens, that I was his helper if he was trying to get the hens into the coop and they didn't listen. I acted like he did when helping to get them inside. He would allow me to pick him up for children to pet him, although he looked like I was humiliating him in front of his hens. He never tried to peck or harm a children. He would eat treats out of my hand and children's hands. He also ate treats out of my mouth.
And although he was illegal, the neighborhood police officer loved him and would stop by to visit when we were out in the front yard. (saved me a few speeding tickets).
I have one Black copper maran rooster that has never been nasty. He has actually been a pretty good experience being the first rooster I've owned and raised from a chick. Always is the first to come running up to me when He sees me coming. He always follows me when I pick up a hen just being protective of the flock. Also very easy to pick up and Never has attacked. He had gotten stuck in his shell on hatching day and luckily I rescued him out.
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My rooster was a French Black Copper Marans as well. Maybe they are just a good breed for backyard chicken keeping. They are smart and teachable and love to pick through the grass for bugs, wild strawberries and such.

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