Do Barred Rocks Develop slowly

In your first picture, the one on the far right that is looking to the left appears to be male. Comb is already pink, color is right. They can fool you, though, on rare occasion. Wait a couple of weeks and you'll know for sure. I can't really see in the lighting in your pictures well enough to say more about the others.
In your first picture, the one on the far right that is looking to the left appears to be male. Comb is already pink, color is right. They can fool you, though, on rare occasion. Wait a couple of weeks and you'll know for sure. I can't really see in the lighting in your pictures well enough to say more about the others.
Yeah. The one you are referring to and the one on the left are identical in feathers, growth, comb and wattles are starting to show in red. I'm guessing they are both roo's, oh well we will see what happens in a few weeks. I kinda wanted one roo but my hubby didn't really want one. Out of 4 chicks, I think we have 3 possible Roo's , just out luck! Just hope they are friendly with my grandson. Fingers crossed!
Don't worry yet. Of my first two BR sexed pullets, one looked remarkably like a cockerel. Everyone on BYC was telling me it was a male until at 12 weeks, there was no real comb. She was much lighter than her "sister", but a definite female. She was almost as light as all her future sons. They can fool you on occasion. Sexing is an art not a science and some just don't read their breed manual and produce confusing traits. If there is very dark wash consistently down the front of the legs, it's almost always a pullet, but again, there can be rare exceptions to that (very rare).
Don't worry yet. Of my first two BR sexed pullets, one looked remarkably like a cockerel. Everyone on BYC was telling me it was a male until at 12 weeks, there was no real comb. She was much lighter than her "sister", but a definite female. She was almost as light as all her future sons. They can fool you on occasion. Sexing is an art not a science and some just don't read their breed manual and produce confusing traits. If there is very dark wash consistently down the front of the legs, it's almost always a pullet, but again, there can be rare exceptions to that (very rare).
I'm in a country area with no laws against having Roo's and we knew when we decided to get hatching eggs for my 2 broody girls that there was a chance of getting Roo's so we will take what we get. As long as they are healthy we are happy. They are extremely cute and we are enjoying having them as part of the family. 🙂

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