Do Barred Rocks Develop slowly


In your first picture....that looks like a third leg. Is it? Or do I need to go to sleep?
We have 26 Barred Rocks, they will be 2 weeks tomorrow. The hens all have wing feathers that are long and tail feathers are starting. The Roos have stubbier wings and no tail feathers yet. It sounds to me that you have a couple of Roos. Roger & Rosie
That's my experience too, with one exception out of 26 PR's, the females all have more feathers including 1 1/2 inch tail feathers on some of them. All the males have larger combs, but lots less feathers, none have more than pin feathers on their tails.
So below are all 3 of what are supposed to be my barred rocks. All 3 are about the same size even though the 2 pics of the ones with short wings look smaller The one with the longer wings has bars that are barely visable--much more solid black They are all 3 supposed to be pullets and none have much comb to speak of. they will be 3 weeks old on Friday.



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I bought 2 barred rocks, 2 rir's, 2 ee's, 2 Jersey giants and 2 NH reds and the barred rocks are a bit smaller than the others, so maybe they develop a bit slower...
Thanks speckledhen for your feedback. I guess only time will tell
I sure am hoping for all pullets. However, the two dels that I got that are supposed to be roos, are showing no sign of rooishness.................................We'll see

Nope, they develop fairly quickly. Usually, the ones with no tail feathers after the first week are males. Are those lighter than the others, more grayish-black than black-black? Post pics and I can tell you if they're male or female.
Oh oh. I have 3 barred rocks, 5 weeks old today, I'm wondering why 1 is fully feathered and the other two aren't and yes they do seem a little lighter in color than the other one. Also the one in the middle with all feathers seems to have no comb. Am I right, I have 2 Roos? Lol I have posted a photo of my Leghorn as well if anyone can tell the sex or not, she is triple in size and fully feathered since week 3.


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