Cutting grass and feeding to my chickens


8 Years
Jul 4, 2011
My girls don't have access to fresh grass, would it be a good idea to cut some to be feed to them in the pen enclosure?
Do you have to cut it short so it doesn't get stuck in their throat, if so how long? I wouldn't want them to choke
My guys got introduced to that by my 6 year old twins. They went out and ripped the tops off all the long grass and dumped it into a pile in the run. The girls loved it and now they run out of the coop when you start the lawnmower. Havent had any problems yet.
Mine love grass, which is great because i'm constantly weeding out of my flower beds. I just toss the entire clump, dirt and all, into the run. What happens next is a lot like the piranha swarms you see in nature shows. Nothing but roots remain within minutes. I've watched my chickens swallow long blades whole, and they have had no problems.
Yea i dont believe they will have any problems with it. My chickens just love to go and eat the grass after we get done mowing.
Yeah, if you did feed grass to your chickens, I'm sure they could eat it. I've read tons of books about chickens and it never said they couldn't eat grass
Give to grass clippings to them in small quantities because if they eat too much at once, their crops can become impacted & cause all kinds of problems. I used to take grass clippngs and just pour them over in the run. I stopped giving them a lot when this happened to one of my hens. Now, I will give the penned ones a smal amount (i.e. a handfull scattered for all to enjoy).

I forget exactly how I got my hen through the ordeal because it has been several years ago but I think I isolated her, didn't feed her for several days (only water) and I put vegetable or minreal oil down into her crop via plastic tubing and then would massage her crop -- this took days to undo.

Most of my chickens free range. I've noticed when in pasture, they don't over do it like they will with clippings.
Do you have to cut it short so it doesn't get stuck in their throat, if so how long? I wouldn't want them to choke
i cut it up small.. if i can get it to the point of paste i will .. by adding a bit of water and using a drill with a cutter end. i use it on my chicks as 2% of their feed. i want them to get usta that grassy taste and think of it as food. i let the bits get bigger and bigger as they get older. the ducks get 4% ... quail %2 goose 5%. (starter feed)

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