Corn and Soy free......?

I make my chickens feed as well. And supplement with cooked squash we grow, cooked potatoes and surplus greens of all kinds. Ours also like millet (easy to grow) and most kinds of seeds (sunflowers are another easy grow then you can just hack off, dry and store for the winter month's). It is very inexpensive if you grow a lot of the foods for them and then you know without a doubt its organic.
Here are the current ingredients of what I am using. This is costing me $26 per bag in Arizona, but I know they do ship. Not only is it USDA certified organic, but this formula avoids completely; Soy Corn and Canola, which pretty much means it is GMO free.
Late reply, but during molt I start throwing black oil sunflower seeds out, cooking up oatmeal and mixing in ground beef. That's just my way of increasing protein without getting soy protein in the eggs.
For me, it's not a political issue at all. It's a health issue to eat chickens and eggs that are NOT fed corn or soy. Due to the evil company Monsanto, 90% of soy and almost 100% of corn in the U.S. is genetically modified. Monsanto genetically changed corn so that the corn produces it's own herbicide that eats holes in the stomachs of "pests". Eating Monsanto Corn and Monsanto Soybeans has been connected to tumors/cancers. Also, chickens who eat Soy have a higher level of Omega 6. Our diets are wayyyyyy out of proportion regarding the Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio. We should have a 4 to 1 ration of Omega 3 to Omega 6, but with all of the soy in our diets (it's in everything), we have more of a 1 to 200 ration of Omega 6 to Omega 3, and that's not healthy. Soy also is a phytoestrogen (plant based estrogen) and is causing males to have lower Testosterone and sperm count; young girls are starting their menses 4-5 years earlier, and young boys are beginning to grow breasts. These issues may be overlooked by some, but I, for one, can NOT overlook the connection that GMO foods have to Cancer and Tumors. Therefore, the avoidance of soy and corn (and even other grains due to genetic modification) from chicken feed is purely a HEALTH ISSUE for me...AND MOST others...not a political one.
For me, it's not a political issue at all. It's a health issue to eat chickens and eggs that are NOT fed corn or soy. Due to the evil company Monsanto, 90% of soy and almost 100% of corn in the U.S. is genetically modified. Monsanto genetically changed corn so that the corn produces it's own herbicide that eats holes in the stomachs of "pests". Eating Monsanto Corn and Monsanto Soybeans has been connected to tumors/cancers. Also, chickens who eat Soy have a higher level of Omega 6. Our diets are wayyyyyy out of proportion regarding the Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio. We should have a 4 to 1 ration of Omega 3 to Omega 6, but with all of the soy in our diets (it's in everything), we have more of a 1 to 200 ration of Omega 6 to Omega 3, and that's not healthy. Soy also is a phytoestrogen (plant based estrogen) and is causing males to have lower Testosterone and sperm count; young girls are starting their menses 4-5 years earlier, and young boys are beginning to grow breasts. These issues may be overlooked by some, but I, for one, can NOT overlook the connection that GMO foods have to Cancer and Tumors. Therefore, the avoidance of soy and corn (and even other grains due to genetic modification) from chicken feed is purely a HEALTH ISSUE for me...AND MOST others...not a political one.
Oh my. Do what you want with your chickens, it doesn't bother me at all. However, the spreading of mistruths, false correleations, and flat our lies to justify your personal choice is offensive.
For me, it's not a political issue at all. It's a health issue to eat chickens and eggs that are NOT fed corn or soy. Due to the evil company Monsanto, 90% of soy and almost 100% of corn in the U.S. is genetically modified. Monsanto genetically changed corn so that the corn produces it's own herbicide that eats holes in the stomachs of "pests". Eating Monsanto Corn and Monsanto Soybeans has been connected to tumors/cancers. Also, chickens who eat Soy have a higher level of Omega 6. Our diets are wayyyyyy out of proportion regarding the Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio. We should have a 4 to 1 ration of Omega 3 to Omega 6, but with all of the soy in our diets (it's in everything), we have more of a 1 to 200 ration of Omega 6 to Omega 3, and that's not healthy. Soy also is a phytoestrogen (plant based estrogen) and is causing males to have lower Testosterone and sperm count; young girls are starting their menses 4-5 years earlier, and young boys are beginning to grow breasts. These issues may be overlooked by some, but I, for one, can NOT overlook the connection that GMO foods have to Cancer and Tumors. Therefore, the avoidance of soy and corn (and even other grains due to genetic modification) from chicken feed is purely a HEALTH ISSUE for me...AND MOST others...not a political one.
First of all mcathsmith,
I hope you enjoy looking around BYC and realize that there are many different folks with different opinions and most everyone is very helpful and civil to one another. Its great that people have different points of view and I really benefit from talking to people that don't necessarily share my point of view. I think you may want to consider refraining from posting comments such as 'evil company' because many do not share that point of view and it will automatically raise the hackles of folks that are offended by that choice of wording and evoke a negative response which really isn't helpful to you in trying to get your point across. Providing links to studies to back up your statements is great, especially if you are saying something that is controversial.


Quote: Hi @ Lazy J Farms and Feed & Hay and CrazyTalk --- poor mcanthsmith is the victim of a lot of tabloid misinformation out there and likely is just repeating the spin that has been pumped out by some anti-GMO media outlets. I really doubt that they intend to lie about anything and in fact are just repeating partial-truths they have read over and over in the aforementioned media. Perhaps refraining from comments on their motives and character would be wise.

For instance re: "eating Monsanto Corn and Monsanto Soybeans has been connected to tumors.cancer", here is a link to a magazine with the headline Monsanto Roundup weedkiller and GM maize implicated in ‘shocking’ new cancer study and another Shock findings in new GMO study: Rats fed lifetime of GM corn grow horrifying tumors, 70% of females die early .

So whats a consumer to do? They read these and panic. Now if you follow the link supplied in one article and actually read the study itself, you will find a different story, but who really does that? The magazines simply cherry-picks excerpts that support their spin and the poor consumer is left with a biased viewpoint that they assume is true because numerous magazines are reporting it as true. Here is the original scientific paper that was cited in the latter article: . An excerpt of the study's conclusion is far from the shocking far-reaching event they are spinning: Conclusion "Patho-physiological profiles are unique for each GM crop/food, underlining the necessity for a case-by-case evaluation of their safety, as is largely admitted and agreed by regulators. It is not possible to make comments concerning any general, similar subchronic toxic effect for all GM foods. However, in the three GM maize varieties that formed the basis of this investigation, new side effects linked to the consumption of these cereals were revealed, which were sex- and often dose-dependent..." (emphasis mine)

They basically say there were some red flags that need further study and that got translated to the sky is falling. Its a common problem when writers without a science background and an agenda report cherry-picked parts of a study to folks that don't have the background and training to dismiss the report as so much drivel.

To call some one a liar when they are simply repeating a half-truth is very dismissive and unhelpful to the conversation--something that is all too common in today's society. I would kindly suggest that it is perhaps more constructive for you to take the time and find out where the person is getting their information from and educating them from your own information.Remember the important life lesson that 'there is an amazing amount of information on the internet but only half of its true' (at best!)

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