Corn and Soy free......?

For instance re: "eating Monsanto Corn and Monsanto Soybeans has been connected to tumors.cancer", here is a link to a magazine with the headline Monsanto Roundup weedkiller and GM maize implicated in ‘shocking’ new cancer study and another Shock findings in new GMO study: Rats fed lifetime of GM corn grow horrifying tumors, 70% of females die early .

So whats a consumer to do? They read these and panic. Now if you follow the link supplied in one article and actually read the study itself, you will find a different story, but who really does that?
I don't think it's unreasonable to expect people to verify things before they start pretending to be an expert on them - I don't give people legal advice because I don't have a law degree and I don't give people medical advice because I'm not a doctor. If people aren't willing to actually read the research, and read the studies, they shouldn't be professing things as fact.

All it takes is popping "Seralini" (the author of the study) in Google to get a quick answer on why these studies are junk - Seralini fudges data, and intentionally frames things to get the results he wants. His studies literally are lies - no one can reproduce his summary results, and he refuses to release any of the detail results, or his actual protocols. You can't use a variety of rats that spontaneously develops tumors when overfed, and not track feeding data. If people aren't willing to do even that [do a quick google search], then they shouldn't purport to be experts.
soy free - yes ...some folks are allergic to soy protein and request soy free feed chicken eggs. corn ...if organic, np. the corn free stuff often has canola in it instead ...same gmo problem. and yes, after reading a lot on the politics and some studies that were actually done independent from the companies (european) has potentially very bad effects which may not show for years. and that does not even include the environmental devastation that ensues in the soil of the round-up treated organic it is...and pricy it is too ...sigh. anyone wanting to know more...this might be a good start
soy free - yes ...some folks are allergic to soy protein and request soy free feed chicken eggs. corn ...if organic, np. the corn free stuff often has canola in it instead ...same gmo problem. and yes, after reading a lot on the politics and some studies that were actually done independent from the companies (european) has potentially very bad effects which may not show for years. and that does not even include the environmental devastation that ensues in the soil of the round-up treated organic it is...and pricy it is too ...sigh. anyone wanting to know more...this might be a good start

Mercola? You're using a Mercola as a credible source of information on food?
soy free - yes ...some folks are allergic to soy protein and request soy free feed chicken eggs. corn ...if organic, np. the corn free stuff often has canola in it instead ...same gmo problem. and yes, after reading a lot on the politics and some studies that were actually done independent from the companies (european) has potentially very bad effects which may not show for years. and that does not even include the environmental devastation that ensues in the soil of the round-up treated organic it is...and pricy it is too ...sigh. anyone wanting to know more...this might be a good start
We've been over this dozens and dozens of times - Mercola is a conman.

Post a credible source, or stop.
Perhaps it is YOU that should provide evidence that Mercola is a conman.

If you want a good source of information on soy, herbicides and GMO issues, go to and read through pages and pages of good research.
Here's some evidence that Mercola is a conman:

The FDA keeps having to serve this guy Cease and Desists because he keeps making illegal claims about his milkshakes. He's a snake oil salesman, and the proof of that is readily available on everything from quackwatch to wikipedia.

Westonaprice's primary focus is promoting the idea of the 'Ideal Savage' - basically that 10,000 years ago everyone lived to 100 and was healthy, and if we go back to living the way they did, we'd be the same way. We know this is tripe - 10,000 years ago people lived short brutish lives full of disease.

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