chicken sounds- what do they mean?

Of all the strange sounds, my EE really takes the crown. After laying, she doesn't make the egg sound, no she makes a roaring noise like a baby lion. It is pretty weird and not very loud. She does cluck like anormal chicken when she gets excited or is threatened.

My Jersey Giant hen, talks in her sleep. When I do my nightly bed check, I sometimes see her, eyes closed, speaking, "bawk, bawk, bawk." She then goes quiet for several minutes before repeating the chorus. At the same time, she might give a deep growl as well. All of this while she is fast asleep.
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Mine "purr" (a trilly kind of sound) when they are happy. They do it when they are taking a nap, dust bathing or sleeping in the coop at night.

I heard one of my chicks doing this today while taking a dust bath and wondered what it was (these are my first chickens), so I got on here to see what I could find out.
Thanks! Glad to know they're happy chicks! :)
My chicken is making a really wierd crying noise
Is the chicken a rooster or hen? If it's a rooster and he's making a long, drawn out, very high-pitched humming, lasting for almost a minute, it may sound mournful, but he's most probably signaling to the hens, possibly to let them know he's watching over the flock.
I believe the weirdest sound my babies make is when I come home from work-- the do the swaying dance and make a singing noise that almost sounds like words "Mommy's home Mommy's home" LOL
I have always wondered what the "bok bok bok bok bok BAGERK" sound means - I have read that it can mean either laying or predators - but our chicken does it with neither of those cues. She will often do it when the other hen is laying an egg, almost as if to announce that the other hen is laying, but I would've thought that this wouldn't be a great strategy - announcing to possible predators that there is a hen all vulnerable on a nest!
Quote: My older girls do this all the time in the morning when they are laying. I've always wondered if they just get excited or what. And, I wonder if it bothers the hen that is actually laying- Bertie stands just outside an occupied nest box and will do this for minutes on end. She happens to be the head hen, I wonder if she feels some sort of possession of all eggs laid
And usually somewhere around this ritual you can hearing the manic laughing some other people have mentioned (and when we are outside), but it cracks me up every time!.

PS: I love the purr noises
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I have always wondered what the "bok bok bok bok bok BAGERK" sound means - I have read that it can mean either laying or predators - but our chicken does it with neither of those cues. She will often do it when the other hen is laying an egg, almost as if to announce that the other hen is laying, but I would've thought that this wouldn't be a great strategy - announcing to possible predators that there is a hen all vulnerable on a nest!

It is the egg song. But when it is higher intensity and ALL chickens are doing it, it is the alarm call. My roosters will sing the egg song for the hens, so sometimes it can be confusing. But when you hear it as the alarm call, you will never forget it. Even my dog goes on alert when she hears it.

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