chicken sounds- what do they mean?


10 Years
Jul 5, 2009
State College, PA
We've had our three, 3month old hens (barred rock, orphington, ameracana) for a month now and are starting to get to know them better. I've noticed that they seem to make three categories or classes of sounds. One sounds like chirping and they seem to make this mostly when they are settling in for the night on their roost or when they are waking up in the morning. The second category is like "bawk" and they seem to use this to yell at each other or at me if I approach without treats. Occassionally they make the third type of sound, which is like a small dogs growl. This growl lasts a long time and they mostly stand very still when they make it. Any ideas as to what these sounds mean? My dogs have different sounds they make and I have a pretty good idea what each sound means so I am trying to figure out if there is a similar "translation" with chicken. Thanks!
I don't think we want to translate or we'd have to put them in time out.
I find all the noises fascinating too.

I find younger chickens make this constant chirp on alert
The adult alert is quite a bit different, same type of sound but more of a growl I'd say.. almost a noise I can make.

There is the happy bawk bawk bawk
The roosters COO COO COO every time he finds something yummy
There is a high pitched quick alert when little birdies fly into the yard
The classic squawk fro egg laying

I also hear from the hens a GET AWAY FROM ME cry, when they don't want to be mated... almost sounds like they are screaming!

PLUS, they laugh at me, that one is the funniest, specially when all 70 or so chime in! LOL

so many sounds!
If you want to do a study on chicken sounds, raise some Buckeye chicks. They are the most musical chickens I have ever heard. There were times when they were smaller, that if you didn't see them or know they were there, you would swear it was song birds making the sounds. As they have gotten older they don't seem to make them as much but as chicks it was fascinating.
My chickens growl when they are nervous about something or spot an (aerial) predator.
After a fly-by from a hawk I found that my roo had all the hens penned up out of reach and he was standing guard. Every single one of them was growling.
I love the sounds!

My little bantam cochin roo has chirped/ bocked in a pattern... like bock bock bock bock and gets higher with each bock

my BR is always "laughing" usually when the rooster crows, I think she is laughing at him!

and when there is a scuffle you can always here someone is standing off to the side going baaaaawwk in a low tone like "aaawwwwmmm did you see that?"

My EE's trill at me like a pet bird would

I love to listen and watch them they are so entertaining!!!!
My chickens growl when they are nervous about something or spot an (aerial) predator.
After a fly-by from a hawk I found that my roo had all the hens penned up out of reach and he was standing guard. Every single one of them was growling.

This makes sense on the sound I hear. They tend to do it after a car backfires, when crows fly overhead, etc.

Its amazing how entertaining chickens are!
Backyard Poultry magazine had a fascinating article on chicken vocalizations a few issues back. Unfortunately it's not one of the articles available to read online.
Do you know that roosters have different predator vocalizations based on whether the predator is aerial or on the ground?
I've said it before, chickens aren't bright but they do have the survival instincts they need.
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