Chick Hatched With Fluid On Its Head??


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 9, 2011
Milton, Florida
I had a baby chick hatch about 24 hours ago and it has a big fluid sack on top of its skull. Has anyone every seen this before? I thought he wouldn't live long but he is up and running around with all the other chicks like nothing is wrong with him. I would appreciate any help as I hate to put him down if he has a chance of living a decent life as he doesn't appear to be in any pain, just a happy go lucky little chick.
I would leave it alone and let his body absorb it as long as he's running around and acting fine. If it is still there 3 days from now I would treat it like a blister. Sterilize a pin and gently put 1 pinhole near the base and let it drain. DO NOT remove the deflated skin. It is a natural bandade and will not let bacteria in. The stretched out skin will eventually fall off and be replaced with new skin. Let nature take care of it if you can. Mother Nature knows a lot more than we do.
Wow thanks that is a much better option than what I thought I would here..I just knew everyone would tell me to put him down.. Thanks for giving me hope!
My little guy does not look anything like the first post but the second one won't connect so I can't see it. I will try to upload a picture of him and see what you guys think.
Okay good.
Could the "hatching gunk" just manged to get stuck on the top of his head?

Couldn't find good pics
My little guy does not look anything like the first post but the second one won't connect so I can't see it. I will try to upload a picture of him and see what you guys think.

Here are two pictures of his head, it acutally seems a little smaller than it was this morning. It looks like a big blister...I think the pictures look a little worse than in person.

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Cull it. Those are veins on that "blister". This chick's skull didn't close properly and what you are seeing is the sack of fluid that surrounds the brain. He won't survive as an adult chicken. One bump could spell disaster.

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