Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album


saving grace

Loving Life
Premium Feather Member
Feb 2, 2021
Hello everyone! :)

I love to share my photography with anyone and everyone, so I thought making my own thread here would be a good place to do just that. I don't use any professional equipment or anything, just my phone and a little basic editing, but to me, sometimes less is more. :p

There's something so satisfying about getting that perfect shot, and it's addicting always looking for good pictures. I love photography and am always looking for ways to improve and share my work with others. I hope you'll be able to enjoy it with me here. :D

Most of my photos shown here will be cats. There are always stray cats being dumped near our house (very sad and horrible :(), so we have a constant flow of cats coming in. We take care of them all, and are currently working with an amazing group that's been providing foster homes, cat food, and spay/neuter services, all for free.

We also have chickens and ducks on our little farm, and everyone gets along great.

Anyway, here are a couple shots to start off this thread.


Cats don't chase chickens? Wow, you are incredibly lucky. In my village, such a statement would be classified as a fantasy :) It's a big problem for us. It hurts me to admit that even my cat shows an unhealthy interest in poultry. I can't be cruel to him, so I'm trying to kick him out of the coop in the most gentle ways I've read here But it can be difficult to choose an option that will scare away the cat and not make the birds worry. I confess I wanted to smear the chicken coop doors with lemon essential oil, but I don't think the chickens will respond well to this.
Cats don't chase chickens? Wow, you are incredibly lucky. In my village, such a statement would be classified as a fantasy :) It's a big problem for us. It hurts me to admit that even my cat shows an unhealthy interest in poultry. I can't be cruel to him, so I'm trying to kick him out of the coop in the most gentle ways I've read here But it can be difficult to choose an option that will scare away the cat and not make the birds worry. I confess I wanted to smear the chicken coop doors with lemon essential oil, but I don't think the chickens will respond well to this.
We definitely are very lucky in that aspect. Other than kittens practicing pouncing methods, there is no chicken harassment. :lol:

I wonder if one cat has a tendency to attack chickens, if it will spread to the other cats around. It's too bad that usually once a cat learns a behaviour, it's very hard to train it out of them, let alone a whole bunch of cats. I wish you the best of luck with keeping your chickens same from your feline friends. :)

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