Captain Jack for mites. Yay, or nay?

I'm not sure I would go with this. One it is not intended for chickens and two it states it does not have a significant impact on mites. I'm a doubting thomas, sorry! That said have not had a case of them.:):oops: I use poultry protector as a preventative. I think I would stick with standard treatments.

Don’t be sorry! I appreciate hearing everybody’s opinions. :thumbsup
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Most important thing to do is not forget to retreat about a week after the first treatment, what ever product you decide to use:

Side note.
:eek:Read what the article says above about beetles.
No I haven't used it but it will work for the coop!
You have to pay attention to the dilution you buy.
Some are just TOO weak. You want .1% or .5% Nothing less.
View attachment 1547060

Good to know! DH bought the premixed stuff. I’ll check the percentages... He might have to go back for the concentrate. I’ve been reading sites & calling places all day & I’m not finding any info about spraying it directly on the birds. Right now I’m dusting them & the nesting boxes in permethrin poultry dust until I can get more info.
These are my first mites, but I’m 99% sure that’s what they are. Another trusted BYC’er recommended permectrin spray which worked well for birds that were brought home with stick tight fleas. :sick
I also have some ivermectin horse paste that I can give orally, or in theory, maybe dab under a wing, :confused: but I’d rather avoid anything that will mean egg withdrawal if I can. I’d like to try the Elector, but like I said, it’s very expensive & I don’t want to wait two days to start treating. I don’t think there’s an egg withdrawal period for the Elector.
Look up pictures of poultry lice verses poultry lice.

Mites require a MUCH more careful coop cleaning than lice, since lice live on the bird, mites live in the coop.

As to egg withdrawal... a little dewormer might be exactly what ya need. ;) Maybe ask the doc for a little extra. :lau
Good to know! DH bought the premixed stuff. I’ll check the percentages... He might have to go back for the concentrate. I’ve been reading sites & calling places all day & I’m not finding any info about spraying it directly on the birds. Right now I’m dusting them & the nesting boxes in permethrin poultry dust until I can get more info.
Get a picture of what he bought.
I'll help you calculate how to mix it.

@casportpony might have it already calculated out.
Good to know! DH bought the premixed stuff. I’ll check the percentages... He might have to go back for the concentrate. I’ve been reading sites & calling places all day & I’m not finding any info about spraying it directly on the birds. Right now I’m dusting them & the nesting boxes in permethrin poultry dust until I can get more info.
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If I didn't have permethrin on hand and had this Jack stuff, I'd use on my birds.

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