Can I switch from Layer feed to Flock Raiser Feed?

I go through a half ton of feed monthly. Now with the chicks it's a bit more. How long does your 550# of feed last?
I go thru 10# a day. the 550# includes feed for the goats. So, 40 days if I'm lucky, often closer to 30. 300# of layer. 100# of Game bird grower gets mixed to give me an 18% Protein, higher calcium blend (I cull my males early, and am willing to take the risk of health impairment and slower growth rates for their 18 week (often shorter) lifespan. Another 50# bag of game bird dedicated just to the hatchlings, and those in the grow out pen (24% protein) - so that's 450# there. The remaining 100# is goat pellets to support their mineral needs.

I plan to turn many of my laying hens over at 18-22 months - the Comets will be the first to go, as soon as they are fully in molt, its why I just set 12 of their eggs in incubation. If I'm lucky, I'll get one more batch of hatchlings out of them for my project - but alternating with the Rainbows for next hatching, while the prior hatchlings with Brahma mamas age up.

[Yes, for those following, I'm not feeding my birds the way I recommend (for typical backyard keepers, in typical conditions, with typical management practices) - but my flock size and management practices aren't typical. Is why I caveat those things.]

/edit - and thanks for the reminder - I need to gather another 2 cu yd or so of leaf litter for the first house and run, and add more straw to the nest boxes. AFTER I get food for the birds.
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Well, off the cuff, 1000# over 30 days at .25# per bird per day is around 133 birds, based on the typical rules of thumb. and that checks well against my flock of 50-55. So I'd guess anywhere between 120 and 150 for her flock size.
Oh my! GOOD FOR YOU!!!
I live in Florida on the East Coast. I would LOVE to visit your farm and market and even volunteer to help sometime if you needed.
LOVE, LOVE your pictures
I grew up in Daytona (ok, near Daytona). Apart from the chickens and the goats, there's not much to see here, I'm building the house myself. I keep a closed flock and don't allow contact by other chicken keepers. @cmom is almost certainly closer to you (as I'm most of the way to Panama City, and an easy three hours past Tallahassee). She has been an inspiration to me, but I can't speak to her policies regarding guests on property. Just don't be surprised if they are similar to mine.
I grew up in Daytona (ok, near Daytona). Apart from the chickens and the goats, there's not much to see here, I'm building the house myself. I keep a closed flock and don't allow contact by other chicken keepers. @cmom is almost certainly closer to you (as I'm most of the way to Panama City, and an easy three hours past Tallahassee). She has been an inspiration to me, but I can't speak to her policies regarding guests on property. Just don't be surprised if they are similar to mine.
I can certainly appreciate the tight guidelines. They are set for a VERY GOOD reason as I totally understand.
I have learned so much from y'all and enjoy reading about your knowledge that you contribute to the members of BYC.
You are both an inspiration to me.
Thank you for your knowledge and honesty as honesty is difficult to find now a days.
Hope y'all don't mind another follow or Aka: BYC stalker. Lol
Our operations are quite different than most backyard chicken owners. I hatch out a few hundred chicks every year. Currently with the chicks I'm going through closer to a little over a ton of feed a month. There are 40 bags to a pallet of All Flock which is around 3/4 of a ton plus another 400/500 lbs of feed for the chicks for one month. (they do waste some). Luckily since I do buy so much feed I do get a little discount. I also have a closed flock. When I'm ready to sell birds I take them to our local farm swap. We have some buyers that come from different parts of the state. One gal who buys, comes from Volusia County. I'm taking some birds to sell tomorrow and some eggs.
I'm taking quite a few breaks today. I just checked the temperature out and it's 95. It feels hot and I'm working out in the sun. I'll load up the birds later. I get them in their coops and then just scoop them off of their roosts. It's too hot to chase them to catch them and I'm an old lady. I wish I could do things like I could when I was younger. Lots of breaks today. I think yesterday I was on the verge of a heat stroke. I got very light headed and felt like I was about to pass out. Not a good feeling. I only passed out once in my life and that was when I was in the army standing in formation. I felt it come on and the next thing I knew I was on the ground. A eerie feeling.

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