Can chickens hatch their first laid egg?

So I found one of the eggs busted under my broody hen today. It was almost fully developed! The broody hen chose the top hen's nest box to sit on eggs, and everyday the top hen picks at the broody one until she gets out or I've seen her lay her egg right on top of the broody one. With all the action going on in that nest box I'm gonna guess they broke the egg.
So close!! I still have another one that I candled and can barely see through hopefully that one will hatch!
So I found one of the eggs busted under my broody hen today. It was almost fully developed! The broody hen chose the top hen's nest box to sit on eggs, and everyday the top hen picks at the broody one until she gets out or I've seen her lay her egg right on top of the broody one. With all the action going on in that nest box I'm gonna guess they broke the egg.
So close!! I still have another one that I candled and can barely see through hopefully that one will hatch!

I'm day twelve of incubation and the EE's are doing great, Love that the light blue shell is so easy to candle :)

I hope they hatch out ok
good luck with your hatches!

2 of mine are tiny chicks hatched from first laid eggs the size of bantam eggs even though parents were maran/RIR.

I have a different chick
a coocoo/blue spash maran that came out gray, but the maran mom's egg was HUGE so even though the little chicks were 3 days older, the gray chick is as big as 2 of them. then the other two were EE bantam/silky/maran they were from small blue eggs. one is black and one is black and white.
I have an unknown laying white eggs in my pen right now. The possibilities are a sumatra, a leghorn, and a buff polish. I'm thinking it's the leghorn since they are bred to lay lots of eggs, and quickly.

So I decided to plunk them in the incubator so I know who it is. I've got four in there so far, including the very first one laid. I candled them last night, and the first-laid is developing VERY well.

The date on the first-laid is October 6th. I'll try to remember to post here when it hatches!

The daddy could be a gold-laced polish, ameraucana, columbian wyandotte mix (pea comb), or a porcelain d'uccle. So it's going to be VERY INTERESTING to see what I get. But I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out!
A friend of mine got some of my eggs that I had given to a neighbor, washed and refrigerated, though I don't know how many she started with, she did get some healthy hatchlings from them. Never know.... I guess this proves that only God is in control of giving life, and anything is possible with God. IMO
I'm going to give the refrigerator thing a try. I just had a guy and another lady interested in buying large-fowl chicks. But all of my large fowl eggs have gone to the refrigerator lately - and sitting there. I think my nieces and nephews go through phases where they'll eat different things at different times of the year, and it's not egg season! So if I can get some chicks from the fridge group I might be able to help them out.

And update on the one "first egg" that was laid that came from an unknown hen - it's DEFINITELY DEVELOPING! I candled them last night and it's got a serious web of blood vessels going on in there! The second one laid by the unknown hen doesn't seem fertile at all. But that first one certainly is! Pretty odd that the first one is fertile and the second one isn't, huh?
I'm going to give the refrigerator thing a try. I just had a guy and another lady interested in buying large-fowl chicks. But all of my large fowl eggs have gone to the refrigerator lately - and sitting there. I think my nieces and nephews go through phases where they'll eat different things at different times of the year, and it's not egg season! So if I can get some chicks from the fridge group I might be able to help them out.

And update on the one "first egg" that was laid that came from an unknown hen - it's DEFINITELY DEVELOPING! I candled them last night and it's got a serious web of blood vessels going on in there! The second one laid by the unknown hen doesn't seem fertile at all. But that first one certainly is! Pretty odd that the first one is fertile and the second one isn't, huh?

I also added a few of my EE's first eggs, she had only been laying for about three weeks, Today is day 21 and I had started to worry as they hadnt been moving for a few days, Well last night 4 of my normal size eggs pipped and while sitting at my computer this morning I heard one chirping, imagine my suprise when I discovered it was one of the EE's, it is a little trooper, while the others pipped and are resting showing no more progress since last night this little gal or guy is flat determined to get out!! Not zipped yet but is chirping away and cleared its beak from the shell completely
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Ltygress- I just bought fridge eggs from my vet, I know she has naked neck in her flock, plus she has EE and welsummer. I let them warm to room temp before putting in incubator. good luck to you!

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