Can chickens hatch their first laid egg?

luv baby gaga, you should turn that into a breed! btw do you by any chance have a picture of the father?
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Ha look at that afro!! I love Baby Gaga's look.
My hen that went broody has got a little bit of that afro going on too...maybe she's a silky mix?

And last eggs I hatched of hers, she gave me a mini me. Crazy identical right?

But then that little chick was a cockerel and as he grew, more colours came in, and now he doesn't look the same at all

Oups I got off topic. I'm really surprised that some of you successfully hatched eggs that were put in the fridge. I had no idea that could be done. Had I known I would of grabbed a few fertile eggs from fridge when my roo died to make his good genes live on!
Technically yes! But there is nothing wrong with referring to a cockerel as a rooster once he starts crowing, same with a pullet being called a hen once laying has begun. Just saying.. I gave my nephew a cockerel last weekend (10 weeks old!) because his rooster got out, and he couldn't catch it. He wasn't home, so I called him to let him know I had placed it in his pen. I called it a chicken, and he wanted to know why I didn't give him a rooster. When I tried to explain that a chicken is the type of bird and the female is called either a hen, or pullet, and a male is a rooster or cockerel, he said I didn't know what I was talking about.
3 of my chicks hatched, 3 are pipped, one was my RIR's first egg, it was bantam sized, the chick was bantam sized and I hope it stays small, so cute!

Oh very cool!! Gives me hope! I put 6 fertile EE eggs in my bator from one of my (pullets) Hens, she had only started laying for a few weeks.... Candled last night (day 10) and they are so active!!

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