Black spots in duck foot, please help!!

Ducklings need 100-150 Mgs of niacin a day in a gallon of water. But giving the liquid B complex over a treat is actually better because you are sure they are getting full dose. the liquid is the best for this problem.

Edited to correct myself.
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Ducklings need 100 Mgs of niacin a day and the liquid is the best for this problem.
Oh geez. I was way off. Okay, I looked the Aspen liquid B complex up at tractor supply and it’s a good price but I’m not sure when I’ll be in town next. I’ll try and get into town as soon as I can but for the time being would 5 of the B complex vitamins I currently have work? I don’t want to just not treat him until I can make it to the store.
Yes def increase what your giving him but please try and get the liquid it has really worked so well with our birds. Maybe something like chopped tomatoes where there is juice to cover up the taste of the b powder? I’m sure you’ll figure it out just get it in him.
Dave Hollderread rec 100-150 mgs of niacin to 1 gallon of drinking water. which we all know they waste and spill and so we can't be sure how much they are actually getting. Since niacin is water soluble you'd have to probably give much more than 100mgs a day to cause harm. Since he is already been showing these symptoms for quite sometime I would go on the higher side to start with.
Dave Hollderread rec 100-150 mgs of niacin to 1 gallon of drinking water. which we all know they waste and spill and so we can't be sure how much they are actually getting. Since niacin is water soluble you'd have to probably give much more than 100mgs a day to cause harm. Since he is already been showing these symptoms for quite sometime I would go on the higher side to start with.
Okay. Thank you so much! I’ll increase the dosage and supervise him eating it so I know he gets all of it. How long before I should see signs of recovery? I’m worried and I really don’t want to loose my duck.
Since he’s older and has had this for a while it may take a couple weeks to begin to see improvement but it could be sooner. Just take it a day at a time and give us updates. So we can follow along.
Since he’s older and has had this for a while it may take a couple weeks to begin to see improvement but it could be sooner. Just take it a day at a time and give us updates. So we can follow along.
Okay, so I’ve been feeding him 100mg of niacin a day and he seemed to be getting better. When he would stand up he seemed stronger standing than before but when he goes to take a step his foot still folds inwards and he’ll step on the top/toes claws part of it. Those spots on his foot did turn out to be Bumblefoot so once the scabs appeared and came off, I’ve been treating it with neosporin and wrapping it up at night. It seems to be getting better. However, back to his leg, today he didn’t seem normal so I sat out there with him for awhile and noticed that his hock joint on his hurt leg is stiff. Almost like he can’t really bend it when he wants to and that maybe it hurts to bend it. I have no idea what it could possible be. I’ve heard of sprains and slipped tendons. Could that be the case? And with these foot problems he’s loosing his balance when he tries to walk and throws out his wings to touch the ground to steady himself and then he’ll stand there and repeatedly best his wings against the ground and he’s broken a ton of his wing feathers. Is there anything I can do about that to keep him from breaking more? I’ve also just started giving him Oregano today because I read that it will help with the swelling in the joint. I don’t have pictures today but I can post some tomorrow.
Oh. And 60% of the time when he stands his hurt foot is slightly turned inward.
Okay, so I’ve been feeding him 100mg of niacin a day and he seemed to be getting better. When he would stand up he seemed stronger standing than before but when he goes to take a step his foot still folds inwards and he’ll step on the top/toes claws part of it. Those spots on his foot did turn out to be Bumblefoot so once the scabs appeared and came off, I’ve been treating it with neosporin and wrapping it up at night. It seems to be getting better. However, back to his leg, today he didn’t seem normal so I sat out there with him for awhile and noticed that his hock joint on his hurt leg is stiff. Almost like he can’t really bend it when he wants to and that maybe it hurts to bend it. I have no idea what it could possible be. I’ve heard of sprains and slipped tendons. Could that be the case? And with these foot problems he’s loosing his balance when he tries to walk and throws out his wings to touch the ground to steady himself and then he’ll stand there and repeatedly best his wings against the ground and he’s broken a ton of his wing feathers. Is there anything I can do about that to keep him from breaking more? I’ve also just started giving him Oregano today because I read that it will help with the swelling in the joint. I don’t have pictures today but I can post some tomorrow.
oh. And 60% of the time when he stands his hurt foot is slightly turned inward.
Ducklings need 100-150 Mgs of niacin a day in a gallon of water. But giving the liquid B complex over a treat is actually better because you are sure they are getting full dose. the liquid is the best for this problem.

Edited to correct myself.
I’m having the same problem with my duck, would you happen to know the amount of niacin I’m supposed to give to an adult duck.

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