
  1. SwimingWithTheGeese

    Hen got attacked by a bobcat

    Hello all, my lovely hen recently got attacked by a bobcat but was saved thankfully but this morning she’s not doing too good, she’s sitting with her head down and eyes closed and it seems like she’s doing everything to just every breath, she has a couple big spots where her feathers were...
  2. dialuann

    Chicken that can work wings and everything else can’t walk.

    This is about my hen, whom I posted an older thread about: Chicken that can work wings and everything else can’t walk. She tries to pull herself upward to stand, and is successful in that...
  3. A

    Pekin dragging its feet

    I have about a 1 year old pekin. He hasn’t had any issues until the last week when he started dragging his feet. He’s fine with walking some but will just need to sit down and rest. I occasionally will find him walking fine but it looks like he’s dragging his feet when he walks. No swelling or...
  4. G


    I have a chicken with a severely deformed neck. Issue presented itself about 4 days ago and all I've been able to think and do is isolate, give her asprin and soak her food...she looks to be in severe pain and I don't have any idea what is wrong with her. Would it be a broken neck? She doesn't...
  5. B

    2 Week old chick with a bad hurt leg

    Hey everyone. So, I noticed my chicks hopping on one leg about a week in a half ago. Upon inspection I didn't notice any sores or cuts, just some swelling. I brought inside so she could be separated from the other chicks because they were trampling her. The following day it was even more swollen...
  6. G

    Help! Appleyard duck with very swollen/infected toe

    Hi! I need some help. My appleyard duck got a small cut on her foot a few weeks ago. I cleaned it, used hydrogen peroxide a few days in a row and kept an eye on it. It had seemed to fully heal well, but a few days later i looked and it had swollen again. There is no scab or opening to the...
  7. LongLiveChickens


    I was feeding my chickens when i saw one of my chickens limping and hopping around with their wing dragging, i picked her up and took her inside because i was really worried and when i checked her foot it was limp? i saw a area where it looked like her scales went in and like it was smashed in...
  8. TheBirdBabe

    Rooster's spur is hanging on by a thread

    One of my roosters has been cocky lately & looks like he got in a good scuffle. His spur is hanging on by a thread! He walks fine (unless he bumps it) but I'm worried it's hurting him. 😔 Is there a wound spray that might numb it? Will it just fall off? He isn't one that will just let me catch...
  9. O

    URGENT: Chickens losing feathers on base of tail!

    Someone please help me, My birds have recently started losing feathers near the base of their tail. They are quite young, turning a year old next month. They have been laying a lot of eggs regardless of illness (all my birds have a history of so, the two that died in the past laid eggs on their...
  10. MishellPz

    Need help!! Chick injured!

    Yesterday I had came back to my home to see that my chick wasn't peeping (we let it be outside but inside a cage type of area, we couldn't keep it outside with the rest of the flock since a hawk or bird of that kind took it's two other siblings before). It was injured, and very badly at that :(...
  11. 0

    How to help duck with possible hip issues

    One of my ducks, Mav, has been having a fight with bumblefoot for a bit. She’s on antibiotics and it has been getting better steadily. today I was sitting with them when Mav refused to walk. She would stay laying down and wiggle across the yard like a demented snake. She doesn’t put any...
  12. A

    Roosters hurt my chicken and I don't know why??

    Can someone tell me if this a hen or a rooster? Problem is that it keeps getting pecked till it bleeds(check image above), i have other hens and roosters u can easily tell but this one im no so sure , i mean it does not fight back , it does not roost in the morning , or is aggressive at all ...
  13. r_o_o_s_t_e_r

    sick hen and swollen rooster face

    im more concerned about the hen because she’s not active. the rooster is still active, just has had a lump on his face for the past couple days. he’s acting as normal. but the hen isnt moving, and the way shes standing almost looks like a tom’s strut. shes very lethargic and isnt eating much...
  14. D

    Broken toe? Infection? Fungus?

    I’m so confused what is causing this chicks foot to look like this! Anyone seen this before?
  15. FathertoFeathers

    Scalped Rooster

    I just got back from picking up some chickens off of Craigslist. Among one of them my Ayam Cemani rooster is not in good shape. I know people are going to wonder why I even bought him then. I bought him because I did not want him getting more and more beat up. I wanted to give him a better...
  16. Ocean Flare

    HELP! Quail has infection or something! Not sure

    Hi. I just went in to check on my quail and one who for the past week and a day couldn't walk has a big infection or SOMETHING on her! I thought it was minor since since she had once before hurt her leg but it was fine in a few days. But then I saw slight red coloration on her feathers and cut...
  17. Ocean Flare

    Quail Broken Beak, Non-Stop blood

    She won't stop bleeding now from her beak and she's so small it's so much blood for her and corn starch won't stick and I don't know what to do. She's smearing it everywhere, I think she lost touch blood she sounds like she's having trouble breathing or something I'm not sure. Edit: she laid an...
  18. Ocean Flare


  19. J

    4 six week old ducks attacking eachother

    Hello! Im very new to taking care of ducks, we're not even sure of the genders yet. We just started moving the ducks outside in their coop every once in a while but other than that we've had them in our room with us as it's been cold and rainy lately. Last night we noticed that one of the ducks...
  20. Ocean Flare

    Quail Got Hurt

    Hi! So I just went outside to check on my quail and I found my male's feet were all entangled in string and so I quickly cut it and brought him inside. Heis sitting in my bathroom sink with his feet in the was and the string cut through to his skin. Other than him sometimes holding one foot up...
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