Best Watering System For Large Flock and Freezing Temperatures

It took years for us to get the coop where it is now, with good wiring and that hydrant.
It didn't all happen at once! For years I carried waterers 150 ft. from the horse hydrant to the coop.

This is only our second year on the farm, and I originally wasn't planning on building a new coop for a couple years. But the one we fixed up is just too run down! It'll take just as much effort and money to fix it completely that I've just decided it makes more sense to build. I only have 14 birds right now, but will probably double that in the spring and I want to design with future flock expansion in mind.

So although this new coop is coming sooner then planned we're also making improvements slowly! Perhaps years down the road I'll have that hydrant too!
I don't have any problems with litter getting higher as I keep the waterer outside in the run. I've used this water system even for turkeys. As the turkeys grew they just bent their head down more.
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Here is a picture of my Beaktime system with a horizontal nipple and cup:
That system would freeze up long before it hit -22 below 0 unless you constantly have warm water circulating through it. Cups are really awful in cold temperatures.

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