Urgent: Frozen Waterers

The Chick Addict

Crossing the Road
Premium Feather Member
Jun 23, 2022
Hi Y'all!
So last year during the winter, at the beginning of the freeze, the waterers had frozen and I brought them inside to thaw. I then figured out that putting golf balls inside prevented the water from freezing and after that, I didn't have any more problems. However, this year, I put golf balls inside again but the water completely froze this time. I've brought them inside to thaw again right now and I am at a loss on how to keep them from freezing. The chickens are thirsty right now and they are not completely thawed yet, so any ideas on how to unthaw them? And second, how do I keep them from freezing? I moved a heat lamp facing on the feeding area but I'm not sure if it will be enough. It's also about 20-25 degrees in the coop even though I have 3 heat lamps, and about 10 degrees outside. Thanks, any advice is appreciated!
Waterer type:
Hi Y'all!
So last year during the winter, at the beginning of the freeze, the waterers had frozen and I brought them inside to thaw. I then figured out that putting golf balls inside prevented the water from freezing and after that, I didn't have any more problems. However, this year, I put golf balls inside again but the water completely froze this time. I've brought them inside to thaw again right now and I am at a loss on how to keep them from freezing. The chickens are thirsty right now and they are not completely thawed yet, so any ideas on how to unthaw them? And second, how do I keep them from freezing? I moved a heat lamp facing on the feeding area but I'm not sure if it will be enough. It's also about 20-25 degrees in the coop even though I have 3 heat lamps, and about 10 degrees outside. Thanks, any advice is appreciated!
Waterer type:
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Just put them in a tub or shower and run hot water over them. I do this daily, it only takes a couple minutes. Get a heated dog water bowl and run an extension cord to keep the water thawed. They work great and I can get them for $18 at TSC.

They make heated bases you can sit the waterers on too but those are much pricier.
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Just put them in a tub or shower and run hot water over them. I do this daily, it only takes a couple minutes. Get a heated dog water bowl and run an extension cord to keep the water thawed. They work great and I can get them for $18 at TSC.

They make heated bases you can sit the waterers on too but those are much pricier.
Thank you so much! I did run water over them for a few minutes and they were as good as new! I believe that they won't freeze during the day because they still have the golf balls and the chickens are continuously moving around the coop and drinking from the waterers. I think they only freeze at night when the chickens are asleep and not moving.

Thank you for the advice!
Thank you! I may do that.

Or buy a second set of waterers. Each morning, you can put out fresh waterers, and bring frozen ones inside to thaw slowly at room temperature (takes less of your time, compared with running hot water over them, and doesn't use as much hot water.) I grew up in an area with cold winters, and this was a real time saver when the water was frozen every morning and evening for several months at a stretch!

Plastic waterers do break eventually, so having spares is rather handy anyway-- when one breaks, you start using the spare one and can wait until it is convenient to buy another one, instead of having to do something immediately.
Find a couple of round cookie tins and insert a light bulb into them. Just poke a hole for the cord. Sixty watt bulb or higher. Set the water dish on the cookie tin and plug the light in. Should take care of a small water dispenser as long as you aren't well below zero. I used to use a heated dog bowl filled with water for larger water dispensers, had to replace the water often due to evaporation though so the cookie tin is better.

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