Belchertown MA Chicken Swap Sat. April 18 CANCELLED

The excitement is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I met with one of the members of the agricultural commision in Belchertown yesterday and she gave me a couple contacts for some local farmers who may be interested in attending as well.
I just sent an email to a farmer family I know in Belchertown, the Austin's. I think they're likely to attend. (I used to live across the street from them) I'll keep you posted.

Do you know what breeds you're likely to bring to the swap? I'm terribly interested in a few you have in your sig line.
I just got some info from someone on the forums, saying that "number 1, Whately Auction cannot offer birds, and they stopped people from swapping in the parking lot, years ago. Ma. State Laws bans the sale or swap of poultry. number2, I've been looking for a Serama Rooster, to go with my hen. I hope this goes forth, as it would be a welcomed event!"

Does anyone know about the selling of birds in MA? I know Westford has a sell/swap at the montly NAIS meetings.
Mass has VERY Strict laws and such pertaining to the sale of poultry and any other livestock.

Back when I was in HS(Norfolk Aggie) they had a HUGE barn full of chickens, a large dairy and beef herd and a good amount of pigs and sheep. Dont know what happened but last open house they had there were no more chickens, No dairy herd and a very small amount of beef steers. No pigs and a small flock of sheep.

I dont know what hoops the Westford people had to jump through to be able to have their swaps. But I bet ya they were also on fire.

We wont be able to make it to Belchertown. I have promised my mom help in selling the stuff in the garage.
Ok just got off the phone with Mass AG Dept,
the only rules and regs for swaps are
NH must have a NH NPIP test
Mass must have a Mass NPIP test proving that the flock is free of disease.

as for any other rules and regs there are none unless the town involved has some we know nothing about. which I will be calling to find out.

Wately Auction,
this is their decision not a mass state decision to not have birds for auction and for sale in a parking lot type setting.
as the lady at AG said they may not want to deal with keeping NPIP and non NPIP segragated for sale.
Plus any birds that"should" come down sick, their operation would then be held liable. so this is my guess as to why bird sales have stopped at Wately.
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So, in a nut shell, one can only sell/swap birds that are NPIP tested and certified at any Mass events. But NH does not have that regulation(?)
Wow, Gypsy! thanks so much for making that call!
I'm running back and forth today between boiling sap outside and checking things out on the computer! *phew*!

I'll have to check into the whole NPIP thing, which I guess then means I'll have to get the straight dope from my city as well.

oh well... it's going to be a full day indeed.

Thanks for that info again.

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