Bantam Rhode Island Red Thread

Here are my birds. 2 of the hens look nice the other 2 have not molted yet so there tail is standing up unlike the other 2 hens.
I just acquired a pair of Rhode Island Red Bantams and I've never had bantams before and just wondered if any on here are familiar with the line from Bill Ziehm? What is the background in this blood line if any of you know. I would really appreciate any information on these.
I live in a cold climate so am looking for a bantam that lays lots of larger bantam size eggs & would tolerate confinement for the cold months. How do you think this breed would do under these types of conditions ? And about how many eggs/year do these lay compared to large fowl RIR ?
Thanks !
I think the birds will be fine in the conditions but for egg laying not sure how many eggs heritage standards lay but my bantams lay more than my production reds I used to have.

male shiped a few years ago to a friend in Ohio
Notice the brick shape and flat top line.

Young six month old ckl this year in breeding pen with five females
eggs will be shipped in a week.

This is the mother of the Large Fowl Ckl late hatched in June that
started all of this 20 years ago.

Pen one females

Pen two male and females

I have Rhode Island Red Bantams coming out of the wood work. I have a strain that many of you may never have heard of because I made them. About twenty years ago I had two Rhode Island Red Bantam pullets from Lee Roy Jones that I got from Hatching Eggs. I also had a small Large Fowl Rhode Island Red Ckl that was from E W Reese in Georgia. I somehow had a bantam female with ten eggs and she hatched eight chicks. After about two to three months I only had six bantam chicks and often wondered what happen to the two other chicks that hatched. One day I was sitting outside taking a video of my Red large fowl for a friend and saw two Red Females that looked small and when I replayed the video on my TV I saw these where runts or half and half Reds. I went out and got a net and caught both females then I figured the large fowl rooster that was fooling around with my bantam females connect and that's how I got this line started. It was all by accident as I was about to give up on the Lee Roy Jones line as I had no males from his eggs he sent me and I did not want to cross my Reese Bantams onto his bantams.

So to make a long story short over the past twenty years I shrunk down my Mohawk line of R I Red Large Fowl to a bantam. It was not easy but about five years ago I got the size to the level of a good strain of bantams and even had a few pullets that where two oz under weight at ten months of age. They have the classic Mohawk type with out the dropping wings common on most Red Bantam lines and I wanted to breed them as far away from Cochin Bantam blood as I could to get away from the Cochin feather. The top lines on the bantams are old fashion classic flat backs which are the normal top line for a Red Bantam of twenty years ago. Today the normal red bantam female as a hen has a back like a Plymouth Rock and some like a New Hampshire bantam.

Why people breed there Red Bantams this way I dont know unless its what the judges want these days.

I will be shipping eggs and started ten day chicks in the next week. Have a few orders available if any one wants to try them . Because they have so much large fowl traits in them they are a great dual purpose breed and take very little space if you are limited for large fowl.

Below are some pictures of my birds.
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