Bantam Rhode Island Red Thread

Hello ryman: Welcome to the BRIRThread. Do you have this breed?
Today; my BRIR's are about 2 1/2 weeks old. I let them out of their brooder after lunch. Sixteen of those running here and yon, and I wondered why did I let them out?

And wouldn't you know it. The largest of the brood was the biggest chicken. He wouldn't come out of the brooder for the longest, and he just peeped and peeped. I didn't help him, but he finally got the nerve and joined the others. They went back in when I set their feed and water back inside the brooder. Wheh ! what a relief.
Well; these lil tikes are already 6 weeks old. I moved their brooder out last night, and put them in their new coop. I'll probably be placing them in it for a few days before they will go in on their own.
The rain and wind cooled things down quit a bit, and they're looking for some warmth.

p.s. my lil flock of 16 are now going to bed in their new coop all on their
own, after a week of coaxing. They are 7 weeks old now. Although they are in their coop, they haven't decided to hop up on their roosts, but they do eye-ball it, so it's only a matter of time. Maybe next week.

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