~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

Oh what the heck, I haven't joined in a few years (I was in either the first or second) so why not? I'll have some awesome new breeds to hatch by then. I'm getting 2 breeding pairs each of Buckeyes and Chanteclers either Friday or Sunday. 8 full grown birds. Why not join and hatch even more chicks.
Oh what the heck, I haven't joined in a few years (I was in either the first or second) so why not? I'll have some awesome new breeds to hatch by then. I'm getting 2 breeding pairs each of Buckeyes and Chanteclers either Friday or Sunday. 8 full grown birds. Why not join and hatch even more chicks.
That's the spirit!
Glad to have more people joining in! Unfortunately it looks like I can no longer edit the list of participants... hm how did Chooks do it before.
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My girls are finally starting to lay eggs. Have 21 set in incubators checking fertility.

So ill have a few eggs for this hatch a long.

Wanted to concentrate on my bourbon reds. But the tom I had in there was to big or to rough and injured a couple of hens. Niw that pen is a nursing wounds pen.

Just need to collect for the 7th.

Good luck to all.
Participants so far:

Glad you have you all joining in! I am looking forward to seeing all the fuzzybutts.

bekkanblue - is that an australian shepherd in your profile picture? Here a pic of our puppy with the current rooster that will be a first time father in May. She is a mini aussie.
bekkanblue - is that an australian shepherd in your profile picture? Here a pic of our puppy with the current rooster that will be a first time father in May. She is a mini aussie.

Yep, that's my Belle back in her prime. She turned 15 last month. I have a house full of Aussies! : ) Cute puppy! Love the blue dogs!

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