wry neck

  1. Preston Family Farm

    Weasel Attack Caught on Video (Mildly Graphic) - And How I'm Trying to Prevent Another Attack

    Hi all. This is a bit of a long read but hopefully my story will help some others learn from our mistakes and help keep your own flocks safe. We also welcome any advice on hopefully helping our one injured hen recover. Some of our flock including our beloved rooster Leonard who sadly was one...
  2. Jayneehartland

    Adult drake with wry neck?

    We noticed our beautiful Cayuga drake, Bling, wasn't acting like himself about 20 days ago. He would be hiding off by himself and wasn't accepting treats. We separated him so he wouldn't get picked on and started tube-feeding him. He turned around in a couple of days and got his appetite back...
  3. Mandee297

    Wry neck S.O.S.

    Hello all, So I am fairly certain I am dealing with wry neck. Symptoms began Oct. 10 very subtly, but we pulled her into the house because she was walking in circles. It escalated fast and the following day she was contorted and walking backwards. We began the pea-sized amount of Vitamin...
  4. heatherschiefer

    Seeking advice one month into wry neck treatment

    So I have this pullet, she's a RIR who should be reaching the age of laying. She was a spring chick. One morning I noticed she was walking with her head tilted and immediately began treating for wry neck. There are no other symptoms. The only thing I noticed was a small crack in her beak, so I...
  5. B

    3yr old hen, sudden mystery wry neck, PLZ HELP. Coccidia related? Vitamin or no vitamins?

    Hi all. Bare w/ me in this mystery... My 3yr old, appx 6 lb, Barred Rock layer hen, Peep, is the lone survivor of an attack on the flock. Long story short, she fast became an indoor chicken & a very special animal companion to my household. She free ranges daily w/ supervision, weather...
  6. L

    Head shakes on Bresse roosters

    Hi all, This spring we hatched Wyandotte and Bresse eggs. We noticed a few weeks ago that the Bresse roosters ONLY (not the Bresse hens or any of the Wyandottes) were doing this strange head shake. Our experience with chickens is limited to Wyandottes, who have very compact combs, and since...
  7. J

    Super Worried, Possible Wry Neck, but not Completely Sure

    Super worried about this duck, I’ve seen pictures of wry neck but this looks different. Maybe it’s an early stage, but I just need help with what to do and how to treat it. I just noticed this today, and haven’t seen any other issues with this duck, or my other duck until now (my other duck is...
  8. A

    Lifeless Chicken. Please help!!

    I found one of my chickens (Amelia is her name) basically just sleeping in the middle of the day and woke up for a second but couldn’t care less that I was right beside her (they all usually try to run from me at first). I picked her up, which woke her up, and within seconds she was asleep in my...
  9. TheChickenFanatic

    HELP! Wry Neck!

    I have a silkie chick with wry neck. What should I be giving her to treat it?
  10. S

    Not extending neck; 11w old silver appleyard

    Hi all! New to duck ownership and only 3w in I’ve already come across something that isn’t in my books or rather could be several things. Our silver appleyards (heavy sort, not miniature) we’re brought in at about 8w old, and have been doing fine on Heygates duck/goose pellets (17% protein)...
  11. C

    Wry neck or mareks? Something worse?

    Urgent help needed: this is a 12 week old Easter egger. No known symptoms before, the morning I let all the chickens out, this one looked like her wing was lopsided. She was lethargic and sleepy as well. Her poops up until today have looked solid, normal, with no worms in site. Today, it was...
  12. Newchickey

    What’s wrong with this baby?

    Hatched on Monday, received on Tuesday. Had been in a seperate brooder now for 24 hrs with a friend. Won’t eat or drink on it own. But happily drinks till slurry if I hold the cap with it in front of her. Won’t peck ate anything to eat. Stumbles and walks backwards. Now all bloated under...
  13. RunnerMamaNewby

    Wry Neck - freshly hatched indian runner duck

    Indian runner duckling hatched less than 12 hours ago and keeps throwing her head back so much that she flips herself over onto her back. I flip her back and she immediately throws herself back again. I'm 99% sure is Wry neck. What supplements should I give her? I've read niacin, thiamine...
  14. E

    Sick Polish Chick

    I feel as if I've exhausted all other resources for a chick I have that is not doing well, and desperately hope someone can help here. I have a white crested black polish chick that is about 10 weeks old now. I got her from Hoovers Hatchery with 4 other polish varieties and some orpingtons. 2...
  15. Z

    Wry neck and amprolium

    I have some chicks that I am currently treating for coccidia as I found that they had some bloody poop. They range 3-5 weeks old and seem to be doing better on the amprolium treatment. I did notice on day two that my frizzle silkie had developed wry neck. Could this be from me treating with...
  16. President_ChickenGirl

    Chick with wry neck?

    Hello, @TudyBOT! I just got 8 ameraucana chicks, they are about 2 days old. One of them eats and pecks around normally, but when it goes to drink, it tilts its head way far back and falls over almost every time. I looked it up and a few different things said it could be wry neck, but the...
  17. President_ChickenGirl

    Chick with wry neck?

    I just got 8 ameraucana chicks, they are about 2 days old. One of them (the lightest gray in the pictures) eats and pecks around normally, but when it goes to drink, it tilts its head way far back and falls over almost every time. I looked it up and a few different things said it could be wry...
  18. B

    Sick Silkie

    I'm really hoping somebody can help me solve the mystery of what's going on with my little silkie. She developed wry neck symptoms at 27 weeks. It was mild thankfully, but she had the classic dropping of the head. I brought her inside with my other silkie hen, because they get along very well...
  19. O

    Presented as wry neck - now I'm not so sure.

    We received 17 chicks (9 Buff and 8 Lavender Orpingtons) on Friday afternoon, by Saturday morning, it was apparent that one of them wasn't quite right. All the signs of torticollis, easy enough - Segregate, Nutri-Drench, Vitamin-E, B-Complex, Selenium - done. After a day, there were...
  20. Phillyndilly

    3 day old chick neck severely twisted- vitamin regimen advice please!

    I have a 3 day old silkie whose neck is severely twisted. My question is about what vitamins to give. I am giving vitamin e capsules 400iu about 2 capsules per day. A few drops of straight poultry cell undiluted. And a liquidy mash of her food, water, and a little of the above vitamins (...
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