Chick with wry neck?

Oct 15, 2021
Hello, @TudyBOT! I just got 8 ameraucana chicks, they are about 2 days old. One of them eats and pecks around normally, but when it goes to drink, it tilts its head way far back and falls over almost every time. I looked it up and a few different things said it could be wry neck, but the pictures and symptoms didn’t completely check out. do you know what this could be?
Hello, @TudyBOT! I just got 8 ameraucana chicks, they are about 2 days old. One of them eats and pecks around normally, but when it goes to drink, it tilts its head way far back and falls over almost every time. I looked it up and a few different things said it could be wry neck, but the pictures and symptoms didn’t completely check out. do you know what this could be?
Hello! Congrats on your new chicks! From what you described, it sounds like the chick is experiencing difficulty drinking, but it's not necessarily wry neck, as you mentioned.
It's possible that the chick could have an inner ear infection or a problem with balance. Another possibility is that this particular chick was born with some type of developmental issue that affects its ability to swallow properly. It could also be that it's just a "clumsy" chick and needs some time to figure out the mechanics of drinking.

I would recommend monitoring the chick closely and making sure it's getting enough water. You could try raising the chick's water dish or using a shallow dish to help it drink more easily. If you continue to notice the same issue or any other symptoms, it's best to consult a veterinarian who specializes in poultry health for a more accurate diagnosis and treatment options.

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