wry neck

  1. NorthernChick1

    Wry Neck Silkie?

    I have a 2-1/2 month old silkie and i've started to notice when she jumps or starts moving after she was still she twitches and dips her head often, also when i pick her up her head twists 180 degrees. When i put her down her head goes back straight but then dips it a bit then shes back to...
  2. MRS McKlucky

    Wry neck and not a big busted bird.

    My hen Nugget had been looking strange to me. I thought she was becoming heavy breastfed, ignorant I know but I'm a fledgling and still finding my feet as far as chicken keeping goes. I decided I wasn't happy with how she looked and started researching and came across wry neck! She was becoming...
  3. Newchickymama37

    What is wry neck, what causes it and is it contagious?

    Yesterday I found my only EE in the coup with her neck twisted and her head upside down and when she tried to move it it would just flop around. She couldn’t keep her balance to stand and she looked so pitiful I had to cull her. She was fine the day before and she even laid an egg yesterday (I...
  4. Salamander1914

    Sick Chick

    We recently hatched two buff orpington chicks. One we called Kelloggs and the other Cornflake (apologies for the terrible names) Kelloggs sadly died due to the fact he ate something too big for him and it got stuck in his throat. We couldn't get it out in time. The other one has been fine up...
  5. F

    5 month old silkie with wry neck

    Hello! I have a 5 month old silkie with what I think is wry neck. She (or he) is in a pen with about 15 others of same age with pine shavings for bedding. I first noticed she was tilting her head a little, the next day tilted to the side most of the time. I did research that night, thought it...
  6. Pugerpillar

    How do I massage my chickens wry neck?

    I have a chicken with wry neck and no vitamins seem to make a dent in it. I need some information on what other types of diseases she could have and how I can treat them. I also need tips on how to massage her neck.
  7. SkyBlueEmu

    Wry neck gosling

    I have a 7 week old gosling with a wry neck. He is also smaller than my other goslings and has trouble with walking and balance. He's had the wry neck since he was 4 weeks ( which is when I started to treat him a mix of various vitamins like E, B1, and niacin) but it hasn't improved. I think it...
  8. LavaDerpy

    My baby chick has Wry neck, Spraddle legs, and weak feet, any help?

    So my hen had 10 baby chicks last Friday, but one of them has, and Spraddle legs. I've been able to help it with adding vitamin E to its water and adding braces to its legs to correct its stance. But I've needed to force feed it the vitamins and food for the past 3 days, because now its legs...
  9. Pugerpillar

    Poor Rex and her wry neck issues

    My baby bardrock chick named rex started showing signs of wry neck at two weeks when she began to get a bit tired/off balance and had a slight hunchback. I didn't notice till she was three weeks old and one day her neck was bent like a horse shoe. Her neck wasn't so bad that she couldn't eat or...
  10. Abbkayx

    HELP! Is this wry neck?

    I’m not sure what’s wrong with my little australorp hen, she’s about 2 months old now. Yesterday when I went to her brooder to change her water she was standing up with her head almost between her legs, since then she hasn’t been able to lift her head or even get up and stand. I’ve googled to...
  11. Chickooster

    Can a grown chicken still recover from wry neck?

    Hello. I was wondering if my 1 year old silkie still has a chance for recovering from wry neck. When she was a chick, I had given her the special vitamins and medicine for it. It didn't work and I gave up after a month. Thank You
  12. ixJessiexi

    Possible Wry Neck in 4wk old Polish.

    Howdy. This morning I went to check on my my flock and I noticed one of my Polish chicks neck is turned almost all the way around, with the bottom of her beak facing upwards. Her head is resting on the ground while she was standing. I have 2 other Polish, an Amaurcana and a Barred Rock, all fine...
  13. viacky

    Day old silkie chick wry neck

    I've had a batch of eggs underneath a broody that have hatched over the weekend. This silkie chick was in her egg for a while from pip to hatch, and was the last to hatch. She has quite a bad wry neck, and I've seperated her from the broody, as I found her this morning on her own on her back...
  14. beneduck14

    Weird but succesful treatment of chick with wry neck, crooked toe, AND spraddled legs

    This is Pip, a Cobb500 born with a Wry neck and Crooked Toe and Spraddled legs from being in the egg too long. Pip was actually incubated with a huge crack that was taped with package tape. Other cracked eggs died from mold growth. ANYWAY, to treatment! Day 0 Taped his crooked toe with a...
  15. Reiki Rooster

    Adult Duck with Crooked Neck?

    So sorry just found this forum, I originally posted this under emergencies. My old hen passed away just the other night, my drake is a mess without her. I've contacted my local farmer, who I've gotten Guinea fowl from in the past. They told me the have 3 females I can choose from. My ducks are...
  16. Reiki Rooster

    Crooked Neck Adult Duck?

    My old hen passed away just the other night, my drake is a mess without her. I've contacted my local farmer, who I've gotten Guinea fowl from in the past. They told me the have 3 females I can choose from. My ducks are our pets so at the most I can handle would be 2 females. The woman told me...
  17. K

    New Member - Have senior a chicken, 8-years-old and younger

    Hi. My name is Kristy and I am new to the site. I have an 8-year-old hen and she recently developed Wry Neck and a 5-year old who stopped eating suddenly. Both saw a vet and are in recovery. The younger chickens are doing very well. I created a youtube video to share how I feed an ill chicken. I...
  18. MichyA

    Wry Neck....Neck Wound

    Hi everyone. I have a young Silkie Polish Cross who I’ve been treating for wry neck. (Vitamin E, selenium, poly vi sol drops, Nutri Drench and prednisone) Nothing seemed to be helping and the weather was freezing so I made the decision to bring “Birdy” in the warm house while I attempt to nurse...
  19. A

    Baby chicken with wry neck, is recovery possible?

    We got 20 eggs from a friend to hatch and make our own chicken coup, only 12 hatched properly, with a 13th dying just before it broke out of the egg. Unfortunately, the second last to be born was born with Wry neck from birth, unable to stand back up after they had tipped and had to be separated...
  20. B

    What breed & Gender is my rescue chicken??

    Hi all! So about 5 weeks ago i was given a wry neck chick who was apparently 4 weeks old. (Very under developed and unwell). It is now about 9 weeks old (supposedly). Does anyone have any ideas on breed or gender? Thank you in advance! P.S Wry neck is all better now!!
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