speckled sussex

  1. calichooks

    she might be a roo 😭

    so, my baby Salami is the sweetest little thing. earlier someone helped identify her as a speckled sussex and i was thrilled to have a hen of that breed in the flock when something happened... she was laying on top of me while i was laying down. she stood up straight and chirped, and then curved...
  2. 2D709584-C6A3-4D82-99A3-298BE699E2FE.png


    Frito the Speckled Sussex
  3. Allcoopedupwith6

    We officially have A LAYER!!!!

    Beyond Excited Right Now!!!! we officially have our first egg!!!!!! Sadly we found it on the ground and not in the nesting boxes. Any suggestions on how to teach them to use the boxes? We already have the dummy eggs so I’m not sure what else can be done. Still I’m BEYOND excited to how many...
  4. 20200305_180716.jpg


    Got 4 new chicks today. An Americana, speckled Sussex, and 2 color packs. Looking for the do's and don'ts
  5. Lyranonamous

    SS swollen legs and feet getting worse-not emergency

    Hi all, This isn't an emergency, but I'm posting in the hope that someone has experienced this and knows what it is. This started last Dec. One day Canela's ankles were swollen- next day another hen had similar swelling, Both went to a local vet who suspected osteopetrosis, and suggested...
  6. clickncluck

    Why aren’t my 2 ½ year old speckled sussex chickens not laying?

    My 3 speckled sussex chickens haven’t laid an egg since mid September. They had a mild molt in September but have long since grown their feathers back. I wormed them in October. Supported them nutritionally with extra protein during the molt. I feed them Purina organic l’arena pellets. They have...
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  8. E

    Are these breeds personable?

    Hi everybody! Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays to all. I currently have bantams because my boyfriend loves the minis, but my dream is having big, fat chickens lol! These would be purely pets and I would like to hear anyone’s experiences with their temperaments. Ideally...
  9. Allcoopedupwith6

    Ladies (and newly found gentleman) got an Upgrade!!

    Sooooooo..... our new flock is only 4-5 weeks old but growing like weeds!!! Hubby and I put our heads together and Voilà.... I think they like it!!! I can definitely say they kiddos do :love!! Any suggestions on what I can add to give them a little extra to do at such a young age?
  10. N

    Mites or Fowl Pox? Help needed. Photos attached

    Can you help me work out what these are i really have no idea we have 1 speckled and 1 light Sussex and both of them have black starting to show on their comb. What are they and what can I do to treat it? Thanks in advance for you help!
  11. WallyBirdie

    Saddle Feathers?

    Slow growing, 5 months old, comb has reddened. Very docile, doesn't crow but isn't squatting either. Thought for sure my Sussex was a pullet, but the growing feathers have me a bit paranoid about her being a cockerel. Are these saddle feathers? I'm not great at defining saddle feathers, even...
  12. Eelantha

    Speckled Sussex Gender Identification (13 weeks ½ old)

    It's my first time with the Speckled Sussex breed. I had another SS chick the same age as this one whose traits definitely marked him as a male at six weeks old, so I gave that one away quickly, but this chicken pictured below keeps confusing me. At first glance, the curved tail feathers say...
  13. RiversideChick

    Greetings! New mama of 13 chicks :)

    Hello! I am a new chicken owner and this forum has already become invaluable to me. My husband and I live on the Nisqually River in Washington State (hence the screen name). We have 13 chicks that are now 4 weeks (and some change) old. They have been living outside full time and thriving for a...
  14. Chicken Meeting 3 (2)

    Chicken Meeting 3 (2)

  15. hypnozze

    Accidentally breeding a sex-linked chicken?

    Hello everyone! I have a flock of Speckled Sussex chickens and have been hatching their offspring since this spring and I was wondering if it was possible to create a sex-linked offspring from them? I am somewhat familiar with how sex-lined chicks are achieved in hybrids but I do not know is...
  16. karenmragan

    Scared-ey Chicks

    Hello! I have some three week old chicks that a broody hatched and right now they are in their own pen with their mama, away from the flock. My concern is whenever I go to feed or water them they bolt around the cage running along after their mom and just generally acting very frightened. I...
  17. N

    Not laying...

    We have 1 speckled sussex and 1 light sussex both are 9months old and we're still waiting for their 1st egg, is this normal? We have just come into winter so the daily temp is 10ish degrees could this be contributing? Thanks!
  18. T

    6 week old Speckled Sussex sex?

    Any insight on my 6 week-old SS? Breeder vent-sexed as pullet... at 6 weeks old still no tail feathers, but getting some pink wattles. Maybe too soon to tell? I'm hoping she is still a she! If it's too soon I'll check back in a couple of weeks with updated pictures. Thanks!
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