
  1. Hannah12

    No emergency. Yellow crust on little feathers above chickens eye.

    Don’t know if this is the start of something bad or not. At first I thought maybe some of the yolk from an egg my son smashed may have somehow got here and dried out but it’s still here two days later. I was going to wipe it off but she wasn’t really feeling me the other day and I didn’t want to...
  2. K

    Sudden Chicken Illness

    Hello everyone, Two days ago, I noticed one of our 8 month old roosters was lying on his side in the coop. We isolated him from the others, and noticed that he has the symptom wry neck. He can’t stand up on his own without his neck sagging. Today we noticed that his eyes are swelling, and...
  3. chiki1

    Chicken fell ill?

    We have a house chicken named Kevin that we got in around July 2021. She's inside due to a leg injury in November, and we're not sure what caused it. 2 other birds fell ill at the same time with a limp and ended up passing. Kevin is the only one alive, and her leg issue hasn't gone away. She's...
  4. M

    hen has very low energy all of the sudden with no obvious signs of illness

    I have one very elderly hen who has been an indoor chicken for the past couple years. about 3 days ago, I moved into a new apartment in a new city and until today my girl has been adjusting wonderfully. yesterday she was especially active and curious. however, today all she’s wanted to do is...
  5. J

    Possible Wry Neck? HELP!

    Advice Needed! I have a 5 month old Silkie Pullet battling with what I believe is Wry Neck. As of today it’s officially been a week and I have seen improvements! I know people say it get worse before it get better but now I’m worried about her bowels. She has been eating and drinking now on her...
  6. N

    Chicken bullying

    Hello- I have 9 laying hens about a year old.. docile different breeds. Today I noticed my favorolle head to be more bald and what looks like plucked. Also, her throat is losing feathers and looks to be plucked. Is this bullying.. or a disease? Please if someone knows what this is and how to...
  7. K

    Lethargic Hen, possible Mareks? Help!

    Hi everyone, I'm newer to chickens (started my flock last May with a good sized group of chicks). The chicks came from Blaine's and a few from TSC. The flock is made up of multiple different breeds. At about 2 months old, one of my Dominiques became really ill. I quarantined her and found that...
  8. Stargazer04

    Unknown virius.

    A little while back i got some Issa browns, they were a few weeks old and were very healthy. We went to the farm to see the conditions of the farm and it was very clean and all of the other chickens were healthy looking. A little while passes and we put them with our older chickens (whom have...
  9. MangTheRooster

    Mang is sick? HELP

    Igot my Mang in May and hes been fine so far. But recently I've noticed that he's been sleeping a lot. During the day I try to get him more active and it works a little but then he stops and just stands and falls asleep. I'm starting to get worried. He does eat in the morning but during the day...
  10. ChickenyChickeny

    Is This Normal?!

    My chickens lay down during the day sometimes, for maybe a half hour, more on some days, less on others. Sometimes in the bushes in the shade, they do that on hot days, but sometimes they will just lay down on the grass. I should clarify: by lay down, I mean they sit in the grass in the same...
  11. mattjanky

    Almost no eggs. At wits end

    I have a flock of around 40ish adult hens most only a year old. and some roosters, as well as 2 turkey hens and a Tom that live in the horse stall in my small pole barn. I'm only getting about 4 to 5 eggs a day and I can't for the life of me figure out what's wrong. I feed them a generous...
  12. Bubbles & Nibbles Mom

    Duck has scratched his neck raw!

    We live on property with kids and their ducks. We have a couple geese and wound up being primary caretaker of the flock. Think the kids thought it would be fun to have ducks and eggs until once the novelty wore off . They took this little Runner in to vet a few months back when he first...
  13. J

    Random chick deaths?

    In advanced thank you all for the help. So a few days ago I had just got back home and I was checking on my chickens to see if they were all ok. While I was looking at my 2.5 month chicks I realized one of them wasn't there. I looked all over the pen for her and couldn't find her. I looked in...
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