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  • Egg number four (my last chance eggy) is set to hatch today!!
    I didn’t know I could have a feed on here! So cool!!! 😊 any advice for the next 24 hours?! Today is day 21!! Words of encouragement alone help me:) thanks guys!
    I’m terrified to move the chick in with the others I got a few days ago. I’m going to switch their box that they’re in (they’re a few days older) and put this little guy in there alone. Then move the others over slowly one at a time starting with the smallest. Hoping it goes well. Any tips are appreciated! ❤️
    Awww 🥰 thanks for keeping me posted. I would keep him separated until he can walk like the others and then move him in with others if the chicks are only a few days older. ❤️❤️
    Baby is still alive! Seems to be as energietic as the older ones. But is very small still and looks..weird? He wobbles when he stands but doesn’t hesitate to play with the other chicks and gets the zoomies just like them. He’s pretty high in the pecking order already. I’m worried though. Gonna make a post about it!
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