Unknown virius.


Oct 14, 2018
A little while back i got some Issa browns, they were a few weeks old and were very healthy. We went to the farm to see the conditions of the farm and it was very clean and all of the other chickens were healthy looking. A little while passes and we put them with our older chickens (whom have stopped laying but we couldnt get rid of them.) and now it seems as if the have some type of virius and only the Issa's are catching it. At first I thought it was mereks or some type of upper respiratory infection, but im not sure about that anymore. the chicken develops bubbly eyes and experiences paralyzation, I love all of my chickens and if anybody can help me figure out whats wrong with them I would be very grateful.

(Edit: They also have been sneezing)
Sorry for your loss. It would be good to get a necropsy by your state vet or poultry lab to get a diagnosis. When chickens move from one home to another, then can become stressed and if theyr are carriers or if there is something in the new environment that they are not used to, then they can get sick. Paralysis sounds like possible Mareks, bubbles in the eyes sound like mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) which is a respiratory disease. Mareks disease itself will reduce immunity to common diseases that many chickens can shake off. The body should be kept refrigerated to get a necropsy. Here is a link to finding your state vet:
Sorry for your loss. It would be good to get a necropsy by your state vet or poultry lab to get a diagnosis. When chickens move from one home to another, then can become stressed and if theyr are carriers or if there is something in the new environment that they are not used to, then they can get sick. Paralysis sounds like possible Mareks, bubbles in the eyes sound like mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) which is a respiratory disease. Mareks disease itself will reduce immunity to common diseases that many chickens can shake off. The body should be kept refrigerated to get a necropsy. Here is a link to finding your state vet:
Thank you for your quick responce, we also believe that it is MG more then mareks, we have tried a MG prescription from our vet who also belived it was MG but it didnt seem to work, would you know any types of medication that could help? P.S thank you for your compassion for our loss.
What medicine did the vet prescribe? Did the chickens drink enough of the medicated water? I would get Tylan 50 injectable and give it orally. Look at feed stores in the cattle medicines. Dosage is 0.25 or 1/4 ml per pound 3 times daily for 3-5 days. You will need 3 ml syringes with 18 or 20 gauge needles to get the medicine out of the vial. Remove the needle from the syringe to give it into the beak.

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