
  1. L

    Can roosters stay in same run/coop as hens?

    Hello, I am new to raising chickens. We have 5 hens and 1 rooster currently. One hen is older than 3 years, the other hens are almost 4months old same as rooster. Can we keep the rooster with the hens in the same run and then same coop at night?
  2. 20220612_140647.jpg


    Parents and chicks in newly built run
  3. Chicken Condo Urban Chicken Tractor with 4 X 8 Run

    Chicken Condo Urban Chicken Tractor with 4 X 8 Run

  4. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Letting chicks free range at 6 weeks?

    Hello everyone! As the title says, would free ranging chicks at 6 weeks old be a bad idea? I found a thread from a couple years ago, and most people said that kt Would be perfectly fine, but I wanted to get y’all’s opinion. This is the thread I found...
  5. T

    Ideas for preventing chickens from flying out

    My dad, son and me built a new coop for our new chickens and we are going to put their exercise yard together this weekend. We are using dog run panels with chicken fence on the outside of each panel to prevent them from sneaking out and predators from getting in. With a 6 inch skirt to keep the...
  6. isabellajosie

    Opinions on Predator-Proofing

    Hi, all! I have a pre-fab coop from Tractor Supply that I plan on using until I’m able to complete my long-term goal of building my own coop and run. Now that it’s built and painted, the next step is predator-proofing. Originally I wanted to bury hardware cloth to deter digging predators...
  7. ali_hager11

    Super proud of this…

    Hey all! I bought a coop and run “house” from Amazon and finally got it together. I now understand why people just build their own! Ha. We ended up needing to alter it and do major reinforcement to it. But I am super proud of how it turned out! (I am a first time chicken mom to four 8 week olds.)
  8. Over-Sized Isn't Just For Sweaters

    Over-Sized Isn't Just For Sweaters

    Everyone who has existed on earth long enough to experience more than a single fashion cycle has seen them come in and out of style, oversized sweaters with hems that droop to mid-thigh, sleeves that hang past the fingertips, and enough room in the body to hide a couple fugitive cats in there...
  9. ChickenOfSpades

    Prefab coops that (mostly) don't suck under $1000

    I'll eventually build something awesome, but can't right now for various reasons. Realistically it may be a year or two before I build a big permanent coop, I would love some recommendations on decent prefab coops under $1k. Here are some criteria I'm looking for: Coop+run big enough for 4...
  10. Kittys Coop

    Chicken Run Entertainment Ideas

    Hi folks! I was just wondering what everyone puts in their runs to keep their birds entertained. Just put a run for my Silkies up this weekend and I want them to have things to do.
  11. MidlandChicks

    Watering Cups VS. Nipples - new and older chicks

    Hi everyone, I’d love your thoughts on poultry water nipple VS. cups. We have five 7 week old chicks that recently moved out to their new coop/run. We also have five 1 week old chicks that are still in their brooder for now. We’re about to start setting up their food/water in the run this week...
  12. D

    Keebler box truck run.

    So I'm kind of a hill Billy. Long story short I was a butcher for 10 years. Got 20(-1) chicks 3 weeks old (10 black Australorps and 9 white leghorns) They are gonna be free roaming free range. Can y'all take a look at my keebleers coop and let me know what y'all think? The run is for the winter...
  13. Jstaz

    Brooder in the coop?

    I have not been able to find answers I am looking for in the search so I'll try posting. I am currently planning a new coop/run build and getting chicks for the first time. I wanted to build a brooder in the coop with the adults to keep everything in one area. I would have the chicks completely...
  14. Jstaz

    Brooder in the coop?

    I have not been able to find answers I am looking for in the search so I'll try posting. I am currently planning a new coop/run build and getting chicks for the first time. I wanted to build a brooder in the coop with the adults to keep everything in one area. I would have the chicks completely...
  15. AmeliaBeastMaster

    **LONG POST**Outdoor Quail Coop and Run Considerations/Adjusting Cotournix Quail to Outdoors

    Hello Quail Peoples! I am looking to transition my quailies to an outdoor aviary set up but don't really know where to start. They have been living in a large stacking dog kennel situation (think three Great Dane-sized kennels) on cloroplast litter trays and horse stall pellets- 4 quails to...
  16. Arelwood

    Toxic Plants in Run?

    I am converting an old landscaped area of my yard to a large chicken run. I am looking for information on if some of the plants that are there are toxic to chickens. I have found the answer for a few of them, but I am struggling with Creeping Jenny. I think is because several plants have this...
  17. nasber32

    Coyotes on the Rise

    Hey all, a "brief" backstory. I'm from Canada, specifically Ontario. My area is relatively urban, with small wooded areas and large fields nearby. So I do not have to worry about a lot of predators besides Turkey Vultures and Racoons (All of which I have taken proper measures for). However...
  18. Juli1980

    Portable run with a stationary coop?

    Preparing a home for seven adults chickens. I have a small yard in a neighborhood. We have coyotes, bobcats, and the standard neighborhood critters. I have a decent coop coming, but if I attach their run to it the space will be very limited. What I want to do is have a portable run that I can...
  19. zenstarling

    totally new here! thoughts on coop design in predator land?

    Hi there, brand new to chickens! Happy to be a part of this forum. I have been thinking about raising chickens for years, and finally feel we're in the place to start this project this year. I have been in research mode for weeks. This site is a goldmine for information, experiences and answers...
  20. Hot Climate Chicken Housing and Care

    Hot Climate Chicken Housing and Care

    I live in North Carolina, the Steamy Southeast of the USA where from June through early September we frequently see 95-95 weather -- 95F and 95% humidity -- and summer nighttime lows may not dip below 70F for weeks. Most chicken-keeping advice is aimed at people in temperate areas with...
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