Toxic Plants in Run?


Feb 13, 2022
I am converting an old landscaped area of my yard to a large chicken run. I am looking for information on if some of the plants that are there are toxic to chickens. I have found the answer for a few of them, but I am struggling with Creeping Jenny. I think is because several plants have this common name and it is often confused in gardening circles for other plants. It is also sometimes called moneywort, twopence, or twopenny (and sometimes creeping charlie, but that is totally wrong).


^This is the plant I am referring to. It is all over the area, and I think would be difficult to remove. I can find that it is safe for humans, dogs and cats but not finding anything on chickens. Any personal experiences?

In case anyone is curious, here are the other plants in the area that I have found info on:

-Clematis (toxic, but most chicken leave alone. Moving it anyway as it doesn't get enough sun here)

-Karl Foerster Grass (non-toxic)

-Solomon's Seal (toxic to humans, but ok for birds...assuming chickens as well. I am removing this plant either way, as it is not doing well)

-Honeyvine (this is a milkweed plant and is toxic to chx. It is highly invasive and I consider it a weed and a menace in my yard. However, my neighbors have no such qualms and let it freely spread across the neighborhood. So I will just have to try to keep on top of it)

-Wild grape vine (safe and delicious for chickens, which is good cause this vine is a monster and hanging over the fence line from a tree at my neighbors house. I can't keep up with it, but if it feeds my chickens...I guess)

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