run design

  1. A

    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    Hi all, hoping to get some advice before I start doing any real construction. After buying a bunch of items that were both probably too expensive and insufficient for my flock's needs, I realized that I needed to add quite a bit more run space to hit the suggested benchmarks that everyone was...

    Check out my ultimate chicken coop/run!

    Hello, I am new to this site and wanted to share My coop. I am an engineer by day and think I did an ok job on my coop. I Designed and built this coop after a lot of planning and research. Tell me what you think! Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for future awesome engineering ideas...
  3. TaylorGlade

    Roofing choices for covered run?

    We are in the process of building the run on our second coop. We are completely covering the run with 1/2 inch hardware mesh. On our first coop and run, we did the same thing - but then covered the entire run with metal and tarps. We are going to remove the tarps and cover the new run either...
  4. P

    Drainage - how deep, how much?

    Hello, We've just finished our new coop and 3x5meter run (or at least the structure) and are discussing the best way to do drainage for the run. It's in a low area of the yard and water pools, so I've got a gutter and french drain taking water off the roof and away, but I'm sure some rain will...
  5. Plushness

    Chickens Not Using New Feeder

    I have read some forum posts related to this topic, though I'm interested to get an answer for my current situation. I recently made a new feeder, one that is made of cardboard as I found it easier to craft my own than to just buy one. The design I came up with is a trough system, on one side...
  6. krissyweso

    Best Mid-Atlantic Chicken Run Plants

    I live on the Chesapeake Bay (Literally... on an island) in Maryland, and I am planning ahead on laying out the plants I want to grow in my chicken run. I want, ideally, to plant things that will be good for my chickens to eat, are anti-pest, provide coverage from predators and the sun, and are...
  7. M

    Needing inspiration on attaching a run to this coop

    Hey everyone! I’m still researching and learning and plan to get my chickens in the spring. I have purchased a coop I found on marketplace (see picture) I plan to place this coop within my fenced in backyard but also I need to attach a run to it somehow because I have 2 dogs that would love a...
  8. Bladester

    My New BLUE Coop and Run Design Finally Finished (9 Long weekends LOL)

    Hello All: I am a recent new homesteader and backyard chicken owner; living in Eastern PA. I bought my first set of chicks in June and received them on August 16th 2022. I have a total of 6 chickens; 2 WHITE Rocks, 2 Rhode Island REDs, and 2 BLACK Australorps. I built a 6 x 6 x 5 foot coop and...
  9. J

    Ideas to make landings easier?

    Got a bird recovering from bumblefoot. Our run includes a catio addition that has some jumps that are more than a foot high, and they are wood landings that i can house down daily. Is there anything i can put on the landings to make it a bit easier on their legs when coming down, particularly...
  10. H

    Hawk protection withOUT netting? Covers? Flash Tape? Help.

    I live in an area where hawks are . . . abundant. We are trying to design our run and are really wanting to avoid netting the top if possible. We'd like to do some pasture rotating and so the fence line will be changing often. Many sources I'm seeing say to just offer a place where the chickens...
  11. S

    Have been interested in Chickens but now have the time.

    I've raised chickens in the past but just now have the time to start building a real chicken coop, run, etc. Looking forward to designing, building and raising. Live on a lake now so have raised ducks in the past. may look into that also.
  12. Chipmunk Chicks

    "You just go down in the morning, and put the chickens in the tractor..."

    What could possibly go wrong? We currently have eleven fast-growing chicks! Plus, a charming old ramshackle 5x6 coop waiting for them outside that we need to rehab, with no attached run or anything like that, just a basic coop. DH said he wants to reinforce the coop for night-time and let...
  13. The chicken nurd

    Any ideas on run design

    I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas for run design Right now my run is just open space (I’ll post a picture in a bit) and I was planning on adding perches and clutter to bring down some of the pecking that’s going on especially with the lower members in the pecking order but I need...
  14. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Using Old Log In Run - Safety?

    Hi all, This is a strange and random and probably stupid question. I found a really cool log in the woods by my house. It naturally as legs that act like "stands" and prop it up, making it a sort of low-level roosting bar. My chickens love lounging on things like this. I'd like to use it in...
  15. WattletonsScrambledore

    Help! Chicken Run with plastic coop

    We already purchased this chicken coop: We want to provide more room and create a run for our girls. The only issue is how do we safely attach the run to the plastic? I was...
  16. jewelg

    Run planning - how high does hardware cloth need to go?

    Hi, folks - in planning out our run, we know we'll have a roof (at least a partial one) and a predator apron, but I've seen photos of some runs with hardware cloth lining the entire height of each run wall, and others where it looks like the hardware cloth only goes up a few feet...
  17. B

    Newbie - Looking to fix up old coop and add run

    Hey all, I am new the site and am moving shortly to a home with a little space and a run-down chicken coop. I would like to fix it up and add on a nice sized run for my flock of around 8-10 that are currently in eggs sitting under a friend's hen. Background info: 1) I'm in central North...
  18. A

    Run material help! Sand? Wood chips?

    We are planning to use sand in the coop for ease of cleaning but I’m concerned that the girls will get bored in the run with just sand. Thoughts? Add a raised bed with something else for variety? Small composting pile/bin? We are planning to do at least one grazing box. We need something...
  19. black_cat

    What should I put on the floor of the run?

    I am planning to get three chickens (possibly bantams) with a 6x5 run. I was planning to put sand in part of it so that they could take dust baths, and was going to leave the rest as grass/dirt. I am planning to put hardware mesh under the coop to prevent anything tunneling in. Would that hurt...
  20. The Hen House

    The Hen House

    As a first time chicken owner I really don’t know if what I’m doing is right or wrong or as long as I treat my chickens well and keep them happy, fed and a nice home all will be well. We used to have a Great Dane and she sadly passed, but we will be using the dog house we built for her as our...
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