rooster behavior

  1. CalBickieMomma

    Rooster brothers fighting with each other...

    Howdy everyone! So here’s my dilemma: I have four young bantam/Game fowl cross cockerels who are brothers. They are just over 4 months old (born July 18th). I tried to find homes for them all by asking around (I live in a rural area so I know people who know people who might be able to take...
  2. Stephanie79

    Rooster Won't Crow

    I recently got a new flock of chickens. 3 RIRs, a silver laced, and a jersey giant. Two of the RIRS were roosters. We named them Big D and B (we thought they might be hens as babies). Big D took on the alpha role and B was cool with that. Recently, Big D was attacked by a raccoon. His...
  3. K

    Random Rooster Questions/chicken psychology

    Hi, I have lots of Roosters (7) and have developed some questions about how they interact with the flock and their hens. I’ve been keeping chickens for just over 1 year now, and have grown my flocks to a total of 79 birds. I do a little free ranging, but mostly keep my birds in Chicken tractors...
  4. alexisrambles

    Young cockerel not fitting into flock well

    Hello guys-- I need some advice. I got my flock from McMurray and had a great experience. My surprise chick is a dark brahma cockerel. He is very human friendly but doesn't seem to get along well with the rest of the flock. His human pecks sometimes do get a bit rough, but he responds well to...
  5. theroosternamedrooster

    Any idea why my roo is doing this? Sickness? Trying to burp? Help!

    This has been going on for the last couple of weeks. At first it was very random and sporadic but now I can generally count on it happening once a day or so. He seems happy/eats/drinks water/crows/doesn’t seem abnormal otherwise, but this is very concerning to me . I am not sure what to search...
  6. dirkapitation

    my beautiful baby boy snickles will occasionally roll his head back when he crows

    he has a rooster collar on if i take it off my mom will have him turned into a nugget and a half is this normal is he just acting real funky is something wrong im worried
  7. Kathys Coop

    Rooster doesn’t let part of group out of coop?

    I have 20 hens 19 weeks old with 4 roosters ( 1 polish, 1 black Australorp, 2 Delaware). I know I have to get rid of at least two roosters soon ( hatchery missexed bad). I have a very large coop ( was on property when bought it just did some renovations), I free range them all day door open...
  8. O

    Over zelous rooster.

    My rooster keeps trying to mount my GSL hen even though she bucks him off every time. He doesn't seem to hurt her but he has been pretty consistent with it. He has torn a few feathers and pulled out some short ones. He's not that rough with my other hens but they are more receptive to him...
  9. R3M1X

    Is it just me or is it common?

    I currently have 4 roosters, three of which are cockerels - two of the cockerels are about 6 months old (in about a week and a couple days) and have grown into their big boy crows. With their father I noticed that he liked after he started crowing he liked to sit in their little box "cave", face...
  10. Shellebelle920

    Legbar rooster attacked!

    New chicken person here, so I could use some help! I recently rehomed my 3 1/2 month FBCM Marans rooster. In the two days since he’s been gone, my same-aged White legbar rooster has assumed his role as top roo. I only have 7 pullets for him and have no plans on getting more. I have silkies as...
  11. Understanding Your Rooster.

    Understanding Your Rooster.

    The reader needs to be aware that these observations and conclusions are taken from a particular chicken keeping arrangement which was conceived to be as close as practicable to the living arrangements of the chickens' ancestors, the jungle fowl, in order to study the chicken's natural behavior...
  12. emmalou1

    Rooster behavior.

    Dorothy, was supposed to be a pullet but has turned out to be a rooster. He is 14 weeks old and recently I have noticed that he will stand sideways to me and spread one wing a little and do a little tap dance when I’m in the back yard with him and the 3 hens. Is this his way of trying to...
  13. M

    Roosters as Chick-sitters?

    We have two adult Buff Orps, a rooster and hen. They were gifted to us last winter (along with a second hen who didn't survive a dog attack). Since she is the only hen, her shoulders and head are getting very bald and she needs a break, so we were going to try and keep her or the rooster...
  14. A

    Rooster acting really strange overnight please help!

    My 6th-month-old rooster has been dragging his tail on the ground since 2 days ago. I was outside watering my plants when I hear a big commotion of chickens (like they were being scared) and then my rooster starts running towards me with his tail dragging behind him. He did have a wound on his...
  15. A

    is our rooster hurt or mourning?

    we had a flock of 10 hens and one rooster, well the night before last one hen passed away and my boyfriend found her early yesterday morning and decided to let the rest out into the fenced in area around the coop earlier than usual.. when i went to check on them a few hours later four were in...
  16. Queensilkie

    Crow Collars: Humane or No?

    As a fellow chicken owner within city limits, I know many people share the frustration of not being able to own a rooster, much less keep one to breed or keep order in a flock, as it is in a rooster's nature to crow, and select few bitter neighbors, and the city lawmakers, would rather not deal...
  17. Raptorchick

    Little man syndrome...

    Hello :) So, I have this bantam, he was my first rooster, and I've thought and thought and thought about rehoming him, but I just can't. I'm the only person in my family that can go into the coop without him hurting me. And not because he's not attacking me. I just understand how to act...
  18. janiedoe

    Why is my rooster doing this?

    First I will say that I have two 8 month Old ROOSTERS. They are Not aggressive to people, each other, or t overly aggressive to my 2 yr. Old hens. One of them chases my 17 and 18 week old pullets away from treats. He doesn't bother them at the feeders, just when I toss out treats & he doesn't...
  19. BansheeWildRose

    Will the make up or won't they?

    So I got two new roosters that have grown up together and according to my friend have always gotten along... last night was their second night here... Pan literally crowed and cackled Lucifer out of the roost... because I don't want Lucifer eaten I placed him back in but on the far side of the...
  20. Chickem707

    Raising a rooster.

    A lot of people have different experiences with roosters, and of course there are a lot of different acting roosters, but today I wanna write about my experience with some. Of course this may not work for everybody’s birds, but it’s worked for mine so worth a try, right? So I’ve had both my...
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