Will the make up or won't they?


Dec 30, 2018
Southwest Missouri
So I got two new roosters that have grown up together and according to my friend have always gotten along... last night was their second night here... Pan literally crowed and cackled Lucifer out of the roost... because I don't want Lucifer eaten I placed him back in but on the far side of the roost (its big enough for all 11 chickens to be very comfortable on) Well Pan decided to go at him and tell him how he felt...

This morning Lucifer wouldn't come off the roost or out of the coop and had a little dried blood on his comb and is scared of Pan. Last I saw him he was hiding behind the roost . I had to put his water and food up there for him special (I have two large wooden pallets on top of a wire stand as their roost) My friend said they would work it out, as Pan *used* to be 2nd rooster ... I have 8 mature hens... is this too few for two boys? How long does it take them to work this out? Should I give Pan back? We're fixing to move them to a new house/coop etc thats 2x the size of this one so maybe that will help if they can just stick it out?
You've only had the boys two nights, the new surroundings are likely causing them both to behave a little differently.
As for hens, the same deal much too soon to determine if you have enough. Two days isn't enough time for the ladies to choose which male they like.
They might not all choose the same one, hens often have their own preference.
For right now though it sounds like Pan is just showing out, due to the newness of everything.
How old are these boys, if you don't mind me asking? :)
Chicken psychology can be strange. The change in environment, plus the presence of hens has resulted in a restructuring of their relationship. In my experience this has never gone back to their previous relationship. Given enough space that one can get away from another they may coexist, but will most likely not be 'buddies'. I would be careful to assure that the subordinate cockerel is getting enough to eat and drink.
I know, I always feel bad for the underdog. Lucifer's being afraid of Pan could be temporary, once he is accustomed to his new home and possible ladies he might have a different atitude. @sourland couldn't be more right, hens change everything.
They are around 8 to 10 months old, big boys... both are supposedly Copper Maruans but she's wondering if she got lied to on Pan... that makes me feel better that it may just be adjustment... I just feel so sorry for Lucifer lol
How much patience do you have? I can't give you a timeline, they're all different. I wish I could though!
Moving them will do things, not sure it what they will be. Anytime you move a chicken it does things, they hate change of any sort.
You are just in limbo until the boys get their stuff together. As for who's the sub, right now it is Lucifer.
How long should I give them? Will moving them again maybe reverse who's subordinate?
Well I checked on them a bit ago and Lucifer was out side with all the girls.. minus one and minus Pan.... Hopefully the two love birds will show up by dark, I kinda hope they haven't run off together.... Thank you guys for your answers and support!
Oh, my Lucifer has gotten over being timid and Pan has eloped with a ladyfriend. Sounds like a soap opera!
Well I checked on them a bit ago and Lucifer was out side with all the girls.. minus one and minus Pan.... Hopefully the two love birds will show up by dark, I kinda hope they haven't run off together.... Thank you guys for your answers and support!
8 hens is too few for two roosters. You need about ten to twelve hens per rooster, or else they will fight, the roosters will overmate the hens and cause all sorts of issues and even injuries, and the hens will become frightened of them and spend their time running away instead of being normal hens. If Pan is being mean to the other rooster, I'd keep Lucifer and give Pan away. However it may work out, and right now I have 13 hens and a two year old roo and a cockerel and it is going wonderfully. Still prepared to give him up but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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