rooster behavior

  1. IamRainey

    My young roo is getting pushy

    He's about 6 months old. I've seen him try to mount a chicken once. ...don't know how many times he's tried it when I'm not out in the run or if he's succeeded with the older hens yet. I'm not seeing any of my girls looking worked over. My prob is that twice when I was in the run and my back...
  2. blm

    Rooster suddenly Violently pecking all Hens

    Hello. Has anyone else had sudden, and violent pecking of all hens from one rooster? We have one barnevelder rooster, 1 barnvelder hen, and 3 naked neck hens. This is the second winter in southeast Michigan with them since they were chicks. As of a couple days ago, when the temperatures have...
  3. MarlyMonster

    Random rooster question from a newbie

    Hi lovely people! Quick question. I farm sit for a wonderful lady that’s got a bunch of chickens and roosters that all roam together in the barn, however not once *knock on wood!!!!!!!* have any of her roosters shown aggression towards me except for the two turkeys when I bring a scoop of feed...
  4. KikiDeAnime

    Is It Normal? (5 Month Old Rooster)

    Not long after waking up I went out to count up the chickens as last night I heard one make a strange noise. They're all accounted for but while I crouch down to pick up a stray egg off the ground, Mr Frizz flew up onto my shoulder. He's normally scared of me and wants nothing to do with me. I...
  5. The Egg song, it’s not about the egg; it’s an escort call.

    The Egg song, it’s not about the egg; it’s an escort call.

    In the normal course of events, free-range chickens move around their territory as a group. The focal point of these groups is the senior rooster and the hens keep within earshot of the rooster in order to hear any warning calls he may give. There are occasions when a hen may leave this group...
  6. ASchwartz13

    2.5 month old crowing

    Hello, We have an Ayam Cemani who we thought was a hen but has recently started crowing. Our chickens are only 2.5 months old is this typical? It doesn't crow the full cock a doodle doo, it's more of a half crow. Is this how they first start? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is a...
  7. kellebarrick

    Polish roo crowing- frequency and loudness?

    I have a 14-week-old buff laced Polish that just started crowing a few days ago. His first time was in the afternoon right after trying to mount a pullet. He crowed about 5 times in a row (each getting better). It was loud, but not horribly loud. He crowed when my husband went outside the next...
  8. C

    Breeds of rooster

    So I started with a nice flock of ten straight-run Lavender Ameracauna chicks this Spring. But then I found some adorable black copper marans... and some speckled Sussex... and some other color americauna, and TSC had $1 clearance RIR and golden comet chicks, and then an elementary class needed...
  9. I

    Stupid no roosters allowed law made me lose my babies

    I hope this is the right place... Last year when I was 17, I was given 4 baby chicks, 3 female and 1 male, to take care of as a way of easing my depression. I bonded with my rooster the most and love and favor him the most despite his rooster instincts kicking in/becoming more aggressive at...
  10. B

    Do EE/Ameraucana Roosters crow a lot??

    Hi guys!! So, I have a quick question. We just figured out that one of our EE/Ameraucana chicks is actually gonna be a roo, so we wanted to know how quiet they typically are. I get that all roosters have different personalities, and Archimedes is actually really sweet as far as petting and...
  11. hatchichickens

    10 chickens: 4 roosters 6 hens (success!!!)

    Hello BYC! So-- I've been waiting to post about this for awhile now because I didn't want to jinx it! But I finally think I can share my story: I ended up with only 2 hens from an original 6 last April. I proceeded to get 6 more chicks and hatched 2 'legacy' chickens of my own (between March...
  12. Saaniya

    Rooster Crow A lot In Morning

    My Cockerel Crow About On 3:30 Am Daily And Hr Made My 2nd Cockerel Crow Also ..He Crow Like Insanely Pls Anyone Help ..I let them sleep in dark , put a circulation for air with ceiling fan (temperature is hot) plssssssssss guys my neighborhood complained alot
  13. Liz Birdlover

    Roosters - can they get along together?

    Please give me your feedback about your experiences with those beautiful, protective and zany Roosters - having more than 1, adding more, what you've done and how you've managed. Although I've had experience with various birds, I'm fairly new to the Chicken World. I love my Roos dearly, they...
  14. Attila8the8Hen

    Hens refuse to mate, injuries

    Wondering if anyone has had similar situation. I had a flock of 7 hens and 1 roo. All was peaceful for the first year and Juan Carlos Hathcock Santana (roo) was a perfect gentleman and flock protector. Their first adult spring came and all but two hens went broody. The non broody ladies got bare...
  15. eandsm

    Rooster has a fit after cleaning coop

    We have 4 Buff Orpington hens and 1 BO rooster. While Stubs, the rooster, is extremely friendly (with me anyway), he has a fit whenever I clean out the coop. He watches me closely as I'm cleaning it out. Then, when I'm finished, he will go into the coop and lay his chest to the floor, raise up...
  16. Cranky Steve

    Rooster is a bit heavy handed with his girls

    My plymouth rock rooster Reggie who has just turned 1 is a sexed up demon. His girls have lost their feathers from around their necks from when he jumps on (feather loss is not mites or lice btw, I've had them checked. This aggressive behaviour be seems to be putting the egg layers off as well...
  17. |Aphrodite|

    My rooster’s ‘favorite’ hen died

    My rooster, hades, had been lonely after his brother left him to go with all of my other chickens. I had tried to get them together but it didn’t work. I took out a gentle hen who was a golden laced wyodnette hen. The two bonded and he never mated with another hen and took extremely good care of...
  18. L

    Why is my rooster beating my hens up?

    We had a fox attack a couple nights ago and luckily all my hens survived, but just in case we repaired all the fences and nearly doubled their height (we think he jumped over). We had also heard that cockerels can also protect the hens so we thought it best to get one. We’ve had him two days now...
  19. SeaAggieShelby15

    Should we introduce a new rooster to our flock?

    We recently gave away our Star Spangled Hamburg because he was spurring and scaring me, as well as attacking some of the sweet hens we have. But our hens are confused and broody even without an egg underneath them. They have been pecking each other and making very loud noises and very anxious...
  20. TNchickenmama

    Adding new pullets to current coop...

    Since the coons wiped out my flock, I am left with ONE hen and my a$$hole rooster Cogburn. (I also have 2 rabbits in pen, it’s large.) I got 6 new pullets yesterday from my neighbor. I use “pullets” loosely since some of them do look like they may be cockerels. He said they are abt 12 wks old...
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