
  1. FloweringFeathers

    Help w/ Speckled Sussex Rooster

    I've recently bought a group of Speckled Sussex chickens, all of the pullets are very tame. This rooster is not, he's smaller than all of the females and bites people for seemingly no reason. I'd like to keep him, but we would want to tame him or at least make sure he isn't terrified of humans...
  2. iLoveMyChickiesss

    Would a new rooster be fine with older hens?

    I recently got a rooster and i’m still debating whether I keep him or not. He’s either a bantam or a standard Cochin, not sure yet. He has 2 other hens the same age as him but my other hens ages range from 2-10 years old. I only have 3 other bantams, one is just about 9 years old(a silkie) and...
  3. iLoveMyChickiesss

    Could anyone tell me if this roo is a bantam or a standard Cochin?

    I can show some other photos if needed! He’s 3 and a half weeks old.
  4. iLoveMyChickiesss

    Would a Bantam Cochin rooster be good at protecting 15 hens?

    Here’s my 3 and a half week old Cochin, I’m pretty sure he’s a bantam, not 100% sure though. He play fights with the other chicks a lot but he never actually hurts them, nor does he ever try to peck me. I’ve never kept a rooster but I might consider it if he’s a good protector and doesn’t harm...
  5. _meels_ the chicken mom

    THE MICKEY STORY- The tragic and crazy life of mickey, my rooster.

    sometime in june, one of our hens decided to go broody. With only 2 eggs under her, she began her journey. She was an amazing hen, and amazing mother. On july 4th, sadly, she stepped on and broke one of her two eggs. Inside the broken egg was a completely formed, perfect, baby chick. But it had...
  6. Sparrow-Song

    Rooster Flock Integration Fail- Advice Needed

    Ok, so I need advice on this one as I’m not sure what to do! I currently have three roosters who aren’t with a flock, and I’ve been hoping to integrate them into a rooster flock—they are taking up two stalls in the barn, and I’d love if they could take up one stall instead (for another issue...
  7. Sparrow-Song

    Meet the Flock! (finally) part 1

    Ok, so, crazy long time since my last post on here considering the amount of chicken drama I’ve had, but gosh it has been CRAZY. Probably I’m going to be back on here asking for advice about these guys very, very soon, but first I’m just gonna introduce them! I’m very happy that this site...
  8. Rynoranch

    Introducing an older rooster to young pullets

    I have 10 ten to eleven week old pullets and a frizzle Batam Cochin rooster. I would like to introduce another rooster to our flock for breeding and protection. I have a feeling out frizzle rooster won’t do the job 😂 the rooster I am thinking of introducing is a 8 month old rooster. What do you...
  9. M

    Help ! Swollen eye.

    I have a ten week old bantam rooster, who is already smaller than he should be (he hatched out that way). Yesterday I woke up and went to water and feed and noticed his eye had swelled up HUGE! The eyelid won’t even shut all the way, I immediately flushed it out with saline and put terramycin in...
  10. ChickenWitch1

    Sick and very lethargic chicken

    My EE bantam roo started acting off about a week ago. He seemed to have less interest in interacting with the other chickens, which is very unusual for him. It started getting worse a few days ago so I brought him inside. He’s eating only a bit, and i’m giving him water through an eye dropper...
  11. J

    my rooster is opening mouth gasping for air so often. Any tips/help?

    My rooster has recently started to gasp for air and hasn’t been eating, I’ve been giving him orally water to keep him hydrated. His been inside as he is recovering from an attack. We did get him some company just like the vet had suggested, and now I am so devastated seeing him like this. Please...
  12. farmgirl216

    Hen or Roo?

  13. L

    Aggressive Hens Toward Rooster

    Help! This is kind of urgent. So I have a Rhode Island Red hen who is fully grown, and just raised up 2 Silkies. One Silkie is a rooster and the other is a hen. NOTE: my RIR is very friendly and kind and I’ve never noticed any aggressive behavior from her. I decided to finally merge the two...
  14. S

    got a year old roo and might have accidentally got a cockerel(s) with the new chicks

    okay, so i'm a first time chicken owner. i tried to start with 4 pullets from TSC and accidentally got a roo. it wasn't a problem at first because it was just him, but i learned quickly as he matured that 3 hens wasn't enough girls to go around. the girls have started either turning on him or he...
  15. Rapp7


    Hello! My husband and I started our chicken family a year ago. We got our flock of 6 from a local store, which included sexed chicks. As luck would have it 3 of the 6 ended up being Roosters We kept all of them, one rooster is king of the hens and in a separate pen. The other two established...
  16. JinHayabusa

    Yellow feather at Coronation Sussex

    My coronation sussex got some yellowish feathers. Anyone know why ? also he is huge 4.5 kg, i liked so much, İ bought him new 😇
  17. A

    rooster having swollen wattles, loss of balance and not eating..

    Today when i went to feed the chickens and let them out of the coop i noticed this one roosters' face/wattles being pretty swollen and also noticed that he was acting pretty unusual. He was walking a bit weird, raising his legs more than usual almost looking like he was marching and he has lost...
  18. EasterChickens

    !HELP! Rooster has some sort of Favus? (Let me know if this ointment can help!)

    Hello everyone, I have a 1 year and 8 month old Easter Egger rooster and I have been recently seeing these small little white dots on his comb and it looks like some sort of Favus. I did some research and few people said to use Anti Fungal Cream, but I don't have any so I found a bottle of MP...
  19. RubyRubyS

    What breed is my rooster?

    Ive had my rooster for almost 3 years and would like to know the breed he has a comb that is single until you get to the back then its two combs. and his tail feathers are long enough to touch the ground.
  20. T

    Can anyone take Brian?

    I have the sweetest Welsummer rooster we call Brian. Hatched him about 6 months ago. He's lovely, but my lead rooster hates him, and it's only a matter of time before there's trouble. I'm in the San Fernando valley in LA. Anybody know of anywhere he might be rehomed?
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