
  1. C

    Beautiful young Roo needs a new home

  2. Desertvalleychickens

    My Little Chicken Coop/Flock!

    This is going to not have a lot of pictures, but i'll talk about them! One little picture of the flock at sunrise. These are my chicks near their little nest. Leghorn in the nest. Some hens! Chickens at night. My roo walking Picture of my chickens day-roosting I'll post more pics and...
  3. Look at that gorgeous rooster!

    Look at that gorgeous rooster!

    I’m biased of my roo because I think he is the most gorgeous Black Australourp rooster ever! ❤️
  4. W

    Messed up chicken

    One of our chickens was attacked by our dog. we found it laying down pretty in shock and pretty hurt. we think it has a broken neck so we put it in a splint. though it might not be broken. it lays there most of the time. occasionally it moves backwards. when it’s laying down it lays it’s head...
  5. Dawng97


    so I had a bunch of bantom and golden comets.... 10 total. 1 tur Ed out to be a rooster, a bantom he is beautiful. He has always been so friendly until recently. One night something got into their run and coop and ate 7 of them. There was nothing left of any of them. 1 comet and the rooster and...
  6. F

    Help! Breed and gender question

    Greetings! I am new to raising chickens and would greatly appreciate feedback on a few questions...in April I bought some chicks from a local vendor. I chose 9 pullets, 3 of which were Speckled Sussex. I was really excited to have this breed. It soon became apparent that one was definitely a...
  7. cadenrupp

    What Breed of Chicken is this?

    After receiving the chicks we ordered in the mail, we noticed that we were given an extra chick and wanted to ask if anybody knew what breed it is. They are two weeks old. Any help is appreciated.
  8. M

    Roster attacked by dog

    Hi guys, about 5 days ago my neighbors dog got into our chicken coop and attacked the rooster and some hens. Fortunately all of our hens look okay and healing well. Unfortunately, our rooster seems to be doing worse. There are no open wounds, just a lot of missing feathers and scratched skin on...
  9. izakifoto

    Loud rooster

    We got a rooster by accident from our murdochs and we our totally fine with it but our whiny neighbor is causing problems and threatening to kill it, we've tried making it some collars but it dosent like them so I would like to know if theres any other solutions to his crowing, no harming...
  10. P

    Can someone help me with a bent comb?

    Hi I'm new here, I made this account looking for a little help, I have a beautiful rooster his name is Paquito his comb is huge as result it is folding between a little fold he had white just like humans with dandruff, then it became much bigger and started to get black, I'm scared I don't want...
  11. L


    today i was doing errands when i passed by an apartment complex, i saw a rooster. he looks fairly young and looks like someone just threw him out. i threw some grapes out for him to eat. then i came back a couple hours later, now, have him another snack, and he’s still there. i don’t want him to...
  12. Happy Henny

    Share your stories of your amazing roosters!

    Hi, I have a lot of cute stories of my chickens but the one that stands out the most is the story of my Black Ameraucana rooster, named Dotty. So, It was evening time so we went outside to close the chickens in. We had already closed in all of the coops except for the "Big Old Coop" as we...
  13. TLHloveschicks

    My 6 mos old Brahma rooster just attacked me...yikes!! Now what do I do?

    I have had a Brahma rooster for about a month now. I added him to my pulllets. I raised my pullets from chicks. He has been a really a sweet boy and my 12 pullets are finally settling down with the fact that he is here to stay. They are around 22 weeks old about the same age as him. I just...
  14. Theroosterman

    My rooster humped my leg....

    Hes three months old and he ****en humped my leg when i was sitting on the grass with him, he also does this thing to my wife where he dances around her hand and sometimes peck/pulls her skin with his beak first time raising a rooster and this is weird but hilarious to me i need answers LOL
  15. T

    Rooster to Slaughter

    Hey there everyone, I'm in the Dsm Area, and am looking to have my rooster slaughtered. I'd rather find a locker or someone else to do this as I have no experience with this sort of thing. Any recommendations? Thanks very much in advance, Peace, Todd
  16. Purple_grape84

    Bumblefoot Prep

    I had to treat one of my roosters for bumblefoot yesterday. I wasn't able to take very many photos because I was working by myself. But I wanted to post the pics of my prep in case anyone needs some help setting up. The first photo is how I was very calmly and easily was able to soak his...
  17. RosanneH

    Rooster and Broody

    My rooster attacks my broody every time she tries to leave the coop. I mean really tries to hurt her. What can we do or do we need to pack him off to a farm? We are small flock owners; 1 rooster and 5 hens.
  18. TammyDFl

    This is Nevermore

    This is my spoiled boy, amazed at how fast they grow up!
  19. TammyDFl

    Good Morning

    My neighbors have a small mixed flock of hens that I have spoiled over the last year. While at the local feed store they had chicks and I grabbed the tiniest black silkie. Nevermore has been raised inside over the winter and after it warmed up spends his days in his outside coop and comes in at...
  20. Swastik Choudhari

    Does small egg hatch small chick..?

    Its my first time hatching eggs. I have a pullet which have just started laying...she lays small eggs than regular egg for her breed(as she ispullet). And i know that those egg are fertil as i also have a rooster n she mates with him. My question is can i give her,her own eggs to hatch they are...
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