
  1. richardadent


    I live in Northwest Indiana, as a child growing up we always had at least 30 chickens , never had problems with Racoons. This year a racoon tore the heads off two hens, didn't eat the hens? I put a trap outside and caught it the next night it actually chewed through the metal of the trap, when I...
  2. Skipper Carnes


    Hey everybody. Just a matter of minutes ago, we assume a dog attacked my hen. We were short of white leghorn hen, and called them to come and feed hoping they were all there after we heard an giant amount of squawking and screaming. About 5 minutes later, out of the same direction, the missing...
  3. DuckDuckJuice

    Odd Egg Predator

    We’ve had at least three pairs of mallards visiting our yard/ducks for the last few weeks. They swim in our pond and hang around most of the day. We’ve enjoyed having them around, but I’ve been concerned they might get too comfortable and try to nest here (one of our dogs eats every egg he...
  4. Fangeddeer

    Mystery small predator!

    I woke up today to find out 3 of my 1 month olds were gone. And there were very small amount of feathers. I did find what looked to b a gut, wing, and some feathers attached to a skin in a circle n some other feathers outside but very little. The hole wasn’t that big, since I have a door...
  5. A

    Free-range chicks disappearing and becoming wobbly

    I have 5 - 10 week old egyptian fayoumis and brown leghorns chicks who free-range. I've heard these breeds are suppose to be great free-rangers but some have died without any sign of sickness, attack, or anything. I let them roam around when I'm outside but if I turn my back for a few minutes...
  6. Keeper of Flocks

    Greetings! New member introductions >

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have kept chickens for over a decade. I was in my early twenties. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 21 (3) What breeds do you have? I currently have 6 ISA Browns, 3 Welsumers, and 12 Pearl Star, all females I have...
  7. B

    What kills chickens but leaves the entire body

    I had a flock of seven chickens but today I looked outside and they were all dead. I found five of the bodies and was able to bury them but I’m missing two but I don’t know what would kill the entire flock and leave most of the bodies completely intact? We’ve had a hawk recently going between my...
  8. Launchpad

    Otter in the duck pond

    So a few months ago my father thought we had a nutria in the pond, based on the tell-tale bubbles from swimming underwater. I had never seen it This morning I saw our bit it seems to be a Texas River otter I know they are predators but have never dealt with one. The ducks are all large...
  9. R

    Chicken killed

    Hey there, we just had a chicken that got killed. Photos attached. Was it a hawk? Also, we had 8 girls, 4 went to the coop and 3 ran off. We found one under our deck. Was silent and still and we'll hidden. Will the other 2 come back if they are alive? No signs of their feathers. Can we eat her...
  10. Olive_Egger

    Poll for those who have had chicken deaths

    I just lost all of my birds to a mink. In the past I’ve also lost hens to foxes, one even died from a mysterious disease. I’m curious to know what other people have had the most trouble with. Select any of the things below that has killed a chicken of yours!
  11. Nite Guard Solar Predator Control Light (Pack of 4)

    Nite Guard Solar Predator Control Light (Pack of 4)

    Nite Guard Solar uses sunlight or daylight to charge. No batteries are ever needed. It will continue to activate during long periods of cloudiness. The powerful flash of red light produced from this LED system will automatically activate at dusk and will force all night animals to flee the area...
  12. katie_94

    Missing chicken during daylight. Only feathers left

    It's lightly raining and noon when I heard a thud and the hens screaming. I go outside and I see two piles of feathers, some feathers on the barrel (which I assume was the thud sound I heard), and a trail of feathers that stop in the middle of the yard. Just my luck, it starts pouring and I...
  13. ihatedarkroast


    These things are so huge--the size of a small cat. I'm so grossed out! Whenever we catch one, if you walk by the cage, they leap up and scream at you like they're gonna rip your face off. If you pick up the trap to move it, they try to attack relentlessly. The wolf rats (or 'wuff rats' as...
  14. N

    Bear mauled chicken

    I need your help, y'all, and your input on what I should do for one of my girls that was badly clawed at by a bear last night. Last night, we had our first successful bear attack (well, successful for the bear). We thought we'd done enough to deter them (we live in the southern Sierras), as...
  15. Paige2213

    Predators bringing back dead birds

    Does anyone have any ideas of what would take a bird and bring back bones and the tail? I set a live trap almost every night. I've caught a few possums and 2 coons (I haven't caught a coon since may). Whatever it was came back tonight and took a roo, killed a hen and left her. It brings back the...
  16. FatherofChickens

    What got my Turkey? Picked him clean....

    Found Big turkey boy Boopie's remains this morning. Bout 120 yards from coop, down in creek bottom - first little spot of feathers was 70+ yards from coop, then I could see the gruesome scattering of feathers where he was eaten about 40 yards further on. DANGER- GRUESOME CORPSE DESCRIPTION...
  17. C

    Chicken wire to prevent digging?

    Around the run and base of my coop, I've installed hardware cloth. It extends about 6" onto the ground, creating a small apron. I'd like the apron to be 2 ft - can I use chicken wire specifically only there (flat on the ground around the coop and run) to prevent digging or can predators get...
  18. ShrekDawg

    What is this thing!?

    Found it on the side of the road. I’m thinking some sort of mink or weasel maybe? But????
  19. L

    Predator Proofing Run - 2 Chickens Killed

    Looking for help seeing what else (if anything) I can do predator proof an outdoor (no ceiling/roof) run created by a heavy-duty electric fence. Over last 6 weeks a predator has killed two of my chickens within the electric fence run (one when the fence wasn't on, my mistake) but the second...
  20. H

    Do I bandage the duck's leg or not?

    One of our ducks has a leg wound (not on the foot). I've emphasized that because everything we have looked up has talked about foot injuries but it's not the same. It's a long gash, one of two wounds we found her with several days ago. We believe a predator attacked her but did not see what...
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