
  1. house.of.ducks

    Fox keeps taking ducks!!

    So far i have had two ducks taken by a fox in my neighborhood. The first was one of my two young muscovies back in November or December, and just yesterday one of my welshies (one of the 2 first ducks i ever got) was taken and she would have been 2 years old on September 5th. I think of my ducks...
  2. J

    Electric fence wire around chicken coop

    Has anyone used an electric wire around their chicken coop? We are building our coop and run now and we have many predators where we live. We live in northern Minnesota, and just recently we have had a 350-400lb black bear come to our front porch twice in search of bird seed. We take all our...
  3. alcstreetman

    Clueless first timer with a lot of coop/run questions! Rain barrel, sand, etc.

    Hello! Our chicks are ready to move to the coop and my husband is currently finishing everything up. I have multiple questions and have already found good information from previous posters but I wanted to see if there were any recent opinions that could be helpful. If anyone has input on ANY of...
  4. DuckWhisperer06

    What is this?

    Does anybody know what made these prints? The space between each step if roughly 2 feet. We live south of Dallas/Fort Worth, Tx. We have coyotes(and a few stray dogs) in the area but (from the dogs we have seen) they are much smaller that what could have made these prints.
  5. K

    Identifying predators

    With great sadness I type- Yesterday just before dusk, something attacked my rooster. This is the second rooster in a month that was attacked in the same way. My birds free range. I went out to lock them up for bed and found a pile of feathers, no blood just a pile of feathers. I spotted a few...
  6. R

    Butcher birds attacking my quails

    I have 3 quails and today there was 2 butcher birds chasing them up and down their run. Only one went up into its coop but I was lucky enough to scare the birds away before any damage was done. I put an extra barrier of wire sloping out to the birds can’t get to them but I’m still worried about...
  7. mamatoes

    Fencing needed for Icelandic chickens?

    helloooo!! After a two year break from chickens due to finally moving to some acreage we have 9 gawky birds in our basement growing quick. We have a beautiful backyard of hills, rocks, forest, open grass and a ton of decay piles. My dream is to have the chickens roam free but I am scared of...
  8. sarastamand

    Earthworms for teenage chicks? Ermine also lurking...

    Is it okay to feed my (almost - few days away) 6 week old teenage chicks earthworms? They love crickets, mealworms, and wax worms but I wanted to introduce them to something new. I’m hoping to get them in their coop soon, but we have an ermine lurking around! We’ve been trying for weeks to...
  9. GinaTheDuck

    Electric wire for a duck coop?

    I was thinking of adding an electric wire around the base of my duck's coop/run to keep raccoons out. I had one eat an egg that I had forgotten on top of the coop and it rattled my duck pretty bad, plus I'm worried now that they've found food there that they'll keep bothering her. Would an...
  10. ahiru

    surviving a predator attack

    I hate to make my appearance on this forum by introducing a sad situation but here goes. Last Saturday night, March 16, a predator, probably a fox, dug a hole under my shed, killed my duck and injured my drake. The drake's head and body seem fine but one leg seems injured. I took him to a vet...
  11. TeenageRooster's Dad

    French farm chickens gang-up to kill fox that sneaked into henhouse!!!

    First, I'm surprised they're French ;) A fox in a henhouse got way more than it bargained for when a group of killer chickens turned the tables on their traditional foe and pecked it to death. The henhouse was located at an agricultural school in France and the fox likely entered the coop at...
  12. Mamasea

    Dogs and the Value of my Chickens

    This happened two hours ago and I'm still a little shaken... I noticed a pit bull and German Shepard with collars wandering our yard this morning. I didn't worry much because the chickens were pinned up in what I thought was pretty predator proof barn/fence. 10 minutes later, I look out and...
  13. T

    Duck Coop Help

    Hello! This is my first time officially registering on these forums however I've been using the advice people have given on this site ever since I got my first ducks 2 years ago, and I have to say - this place is a godsend. I'm so thankful to the community here for all the wisdom I've gained...
  14. B

    What is killing my chickens!!!!

    Something is killing my chickens. I have lost 5 in a week and a half. The chickens that were killed by this predator all have the feathers and skin on their necks ripped off. I know its not the chickens killing each other. I don't think its a racoon because nothing else is ripped or torn on...
  15. RiChicken420

    Rooster got hurt

    Had a weasel or mink kill 10 out 17 hen's on Monday the 7 hens that surviveday are fine but my rooster looks beat up weak / stressed looks like he has bruseing around his eyes won't roost he has no wounds no blood or sings of blood walking with a limp but he's 7 years old he'sbeen beat up...
  16. HuskerHens18

    What track is this?

    I think it's an opossum, but I'm not 100% sure. These tracks are circling my chicken coop and came from the creek, which is where it returned. I had 1 person say raccoon and 1 say opossum, I'm leaning towards opossum but still making sure.
  17. TashaFrancois

    What is wrong with people?

    This is an email response to an add I posted on Craigslist.
  18. O

    One more

    One of my chores as a child was getting the eggs. Every morning I was pecked by the hens. We had about 50 hens for Grandpa's grocery store. I hated chickens. Now living in the country I walked into the local feed store and there were chicks. I feel in love. Did a lot of research, started making...
  19. O

    Predator leaving only a few feathers.

    No blood, no body part, only 3-4 feathers. This is happening during day, close to house, while I'm home, while they're free ranging on one acre, fenced, lots of hiding places. We have raccoons, don't think that's it. We have hawks (and owls), Coyotes, Fox. What do you think this is?
  20. sarastamand

    Ermine... Best way to catch? Or kill!!!

    I had an ermine wipe out my entire flock of 10! I have my new flock arriving (of 15....) on Valentine’s Day but we have YET to catch/kill this SOB! We have a hart trap set up, but we think he is too light as he set it off... but I saw him jumping between the rafters. We’ve secured the coop more...
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