Keeper of Flocks

Feb 25, 2023
Southwest Ohio
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

I have kept chickens for over a decade. I was in my early twenties.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?


(3) What breeds do you have?

I currently have 6 ISA Browns, 3 Welsumers, and 12 Pearl Star, all females

I have raised Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshires, Game Hens, Barred Rocks, Australorps, Leghorns, Sussex, Orpingtons, Ameraucanas, Crème Legbars, Black Star, and other mixed sorts.

I would again have Barred Rocks, Pearl Stars, Welsumers.
I have a tender spot for Sussex, Aussies, and Leghorns.
Crème Legbars & Ameraucanas are wonderful, but I’m sticking with brown eggs, just to keep it simple.

I’m curious about the breed Golden Cuckoo Marans, but am happy with my Welsumers, I do admire speckled eggs.

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?

I most enjoy the contented soft song of a hen, and the gentle cluck of a cock. And how can any not love eggs and chicks?
The tender flesh of the rested & brined, with the skin intact and juices flowing from the very marrow, it will nourish like none else. There is also the flap of the wings, span out far and stretched to whip the wind through. The sharp eyes on you and the ground, and the sky. There’s the hobble trot to see what’s there and the flee from sometimes me. The chicken scratch & sneezes! Perching! The jointed preening! Their beauty and their form! The brooding and the time, the memories are all sublime!

(5) What are some of your other interests?

I am most interested in prayer, praise singing, and meditating on God’s holy and divine word.
I consider family to be dear, and time with them precious. I take pleasure in gardening, reading, husbandry, harvest time, winnowing, conversing, mending things, slurping soup, foot rubs, sipping coffee, among so many other things, very much.
I don’t really take pleasure in awakening while still tired, my knees cracking when I get up, vermin stealing my produce, scrubbing pots and potties, dusting, people believing lies and people lying.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

My family is all over, but my closest kin are my father and brother. We have no pets, only livestock. My main occupation is waiting on my Lord to return, other than that, I am skilled in the domestic duties and services of womankind.

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community?

I’ve been using the site for many years as a resource for so many chicken inquiries, and have learned more just by perusing.
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