
  1. D

    HELP: shell-less eggs, broken soft shell (in vent), white and foamy diarrhea.

    Hey Friends, I don't have much more to add outside of the title besides the fact that my sweet Spam is clearly not feeling too well and is lethargic. I've found a few odd bits of soft shell that someone had clearly passed in the coop, though I wasn't sure who. Then I found or or two signs that...
  2. Carolrich

    Sick hen maybe coccidosis? Impacted crop??

    Hello. Remember Beatrice of the egg bound hen thread? Well If you check back on that, you will see that we had a successful outcome. We put her back with the girls on the 26th. On the 27th we noticed her being lethargic, puffed up and hunching, not eating or drinking. I took her to the isolation...
  3. strawberricatt

    Pullet Lethargic, Comb Going Dark, Please Help!

    My pullet Vanilla started laying recently(I have two of her eggs under a broody right now) For the last couple of days I noticed she was acting a little odd, she was roosting, but doing a kind of 'egg squat' at the same time, she's always a bit of an odd little chicken, so I thought nothing of...
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